


For Time: 
100 Pullups 
100 Pushups 
100 Situps 
100 Air Squats  

Community Notes:

Don't forget to SIGN UP for the CrossFit Games OPEN, in addition to the worldwide open we will also be having some internal fun and drafting teams within the community.  
CLICK HERE to register for the OPEN!

9 AM Saturday and Sunday Classes will be held at the Lyons Den 555 W. Beidler Road, King of Prussia.

"This is no time for ease and comfort. It is time to dare and endure." 
– Winston Churchill


Jackie Halpern said...

25 rr
25 push ups
25 sit ups
25 squats
Lee 18:10 push up band
Teresa 19:29 push up band +2abmat
Kathy 18:58 incline pu/17" box
Deb 18:34 (2rds plate match/26# kbdl/med ball+25 kilo plate; 1 round just sit ups & squats)

Gillian said...


Pam 19:38, 71 Pulls/Push ups
Erini 14:22, 71 for all
Em 17:23, RR, 50/5 Push-up/snake

Gillian said...


Megs 20:56 Rx
Larissa 25:40 Rx
Jackie 18:14 50 Pulls ups, 10RR/ 60 Push up
Mary 19:30 50 Pulls/Push
Evan 31:33 Rx
Dana H. 24:26 Rx
Shannon 23:34 Rx
Chloe 25:17 Rx
Gordy 18:51, 71 pull/push
Yormen 22:00 60 Pull/push band

Gillian said...

Gillian 25:32, 60 band/40 RR, band push

Gillian said...


Noah 26:46, 100,50(snake),60, 100
Rich 15:52 Rx
Alex 21:13, snake
Olan 18:31, 50 pull/50 push
Matt D. 19:46, Rx
Grace 19:05, Rx
Karen 21:09, 50 pull/ 71 push(snake)
Matty Bo 25:17, 71 pull/ 71 push
Adrian 23:22, Rx
Karolina 22:12, 71 Pull (jumping) 71 push (snake)
Matt P. 18:05 71 pull / 71 push
Graysen 20:43, 71 pull (band), 71 push (snake)
Mike M. 19:50, 71 pull / 71 push (snake)
Natalie 23:54 push (snake), DB hold sit ups
May 19:59, DB SA press , Push up (box) scaled

Gillian said...


Karen 23:15, 71 pull (RR), 71 Push (snake)
Seth 20:06, pull DB SA row 35#, push DB SA Shoulder Press
Christina 24:52, 75 for each, pull (RR), push (snake)
Sravanh 19:58, 71 for each, pull (RR), push (snake)
Sai 27:04, 71 pull (RR), 71 push (snake)
Nick 26:57 pull (band/RR)

Natalie D said...

Idk what Db hold sit ups mean, but I used an anchor on my feet like we did last time. Not a scale!