

AMRAP in 18 Minutes:
12/16 Calorie Air Bike
 16 Front Squats (95/135) - from the floor 
12/16 Calorie Ski

Community Notes:

Don't forget to SIGN UP for the CrossFit Games OPEN, in addition to the worldwide open we will also be having some internal fun and drafting teams within the community.  
CLICK HERE to register for the OPEN!

9 AM Saturday and Sunday Classes will be held at the Lyons Den 555 W. Beidler Road, King of Prussia.

"It's your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life's story will develop." 
– Dieter F. Uchtdorf


Chloe Darley said...

Brian 4+7 115#
Larissa 3+12 60#
Tucker 4 75#
Alex 3+21 Rx
Subhan 3+40 95#

Jackie Halpern said...

Jackie 4+4 rx

Colette said...

Steve 2 65#
Jeff 4+8 air runner ski echo
Sarah 3+15 70#
Mary 3+18 65#
Julia 4+4 85#
Cate 3+22 rx

Gillian said...

Pam 4+38 Rx
Erini 3+23 Rx
Megs 3+12 C2 #75
Shannon 5+12 Rx
Laura 3+33 C2 17 box #35
Bella 3+21 Rx
Edwin 4 #115
Alex 4+28 Rx
Yormen 4+12 #105
Chloe 4 Rx

Chloe Darley said...

Ryan 4+6 95#
Grace 4+35 Rx
Matt D. 5 Rx
Karolina 3+23 55#
Greg 3+24 Rx
Matt B 3+16 Rx
Mae 4+17 15#/ 10 cal ski
Karen K 3+7 55#
Adrian 3+27 60kg
Karen 4+17 85#/ C2
Olan 3 95#

Danielle Gambone said...

Danielle 4+37 rx