


5 Rounds for Time of: 

 20/25 Calorie Assault Bike 
 10 Sandbag Cleans (100/150) 
5 Bar Muscle Ups

 “Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” 
—Dale Carnegie


Keith B said...


Subhan 20:14 scale
Brian 20:56 1/2KBS@70 1/2SBC@75
Tori 19:58 5SBC/JMU
Jess 24:21 75/jmu
Brennan 23:17 6SBC@50/JMU
Larissa 26:24 DBburpee+clean/JMU
Alex 19:30 4rounds 100/5rr/5dip

Colette said...

Gina 24:48 75# Hip to Bar Attempts
Jackie 25:13 75# 1 bmu
Aimee 24:22 75#
Cate 28:40 75# average 3 bmu
SShannon 25:22 bmu 1/1/1/0/1
Gillian 22:56 50# banded h2ba
Megs 28:12 75# h2ba
Nick 24:30 100# 3 h2ba

Aimee Lyons said...


Keith 26:46, #100
Pam 24:56, 3 BMU
Evan 27:30, 4 Rounds Fem Rx
Bala 28:45, JBMU #50 18 cals Air bike
Sarah 30:00 cap JBMU #50 18 cals
Matty Bo 27:56 #125
Dana 25:01 Rx
Geoff 20:58 25 cal row, 10 SB #95, 5 Hips to Bar

Aimee Lyons said...

!:00 Masters

Richard 21:42 JBMU #30 15 Cals
Gordy 15:30 3 BMU #100
Lisa 22:40 JBMU #50 C2 Bike
Kathy 22:22 RR #50 C2 Bike
Terry 21:10 JBMU #50 C2 Bike

Aimee Lyons said...

Kristen 23:57 75# JBMU
Eric 27:27 hips to bar / 125#
Adrian 27:00 4 rds plus bike
Graysen 17:04 50# c2/JBMU
Karolina 26:30 75/50# JBM
Ben 19:40 rx
Edwin 22:30 100 # hips to bar
Jailinene 20:00 50# C2 bike JBMU
Matt P 24:21 pull ups/ 100#
Jeff P 23:54 rx
Grace H 28:00 RX
Yormen 28:00 JBMU 100#
Karen M 21:41 hips to bar C2 75#
Mike MIt 22:05 20 cal bike/ 3 bmu 75

Colette said...

Rakshit 26:40 100# 1 bmu
Danielle G 29:32 2 h2b 3 jumping bmu
Seth 26:40 100# low bar jump to press
Danielle C 28:54 75# jumping bar mucle up
Sravanh 29:00 75# c2 3 jump to press
Sai 28:00 4 rounds c2 50# jbmu
Paresh 29:00 4 rounds 75# jbmu