

Every 2:00 for 8 Rounds Complete: 
3 Power Cleans 
 (for max load, increase load each round) 

Cash Out: 
 For Time: 50 Power Cleans (95/135#) 
 *Every Time you drop the Bar Complete a 200 Meter Run*

 “Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror.” 
― Colin Powell


Colette said...

Steph 110 5:56 65#
Megs 103 5:00 60#
Gina 120 PR! 8:04 75#
Leah 100 5:56 55#
Amritha 65 PR! 8:15 35#
Monica 95 7:15 65#
Colette 180 3:07rx

Colette said...

Keith 245 :)
Edwin 175 PR! 5:53 95#
Pam 160 5:38rx
Gillian 80 5:30 55#
Dave H 225 6:48rx

Danielle Gambone said...

Larissa 75, 8:31 #60
Subhan 135, lifted SO much weight he couldn’t do the cash out
Danielle 150,6:32 rx

Lauren Taylor said...

Greg 235 6:50RX
Lauren 120 PJX2 7:18 75# 10 cal Ski
Jeff 265 5:02 RX
Karolina 95 5:30 55#
Bala 95 8:10 65#
Adrian 215 8:11 RX
Karen 125 5:25 65#
Nick 165PR 7:!7 95#
MAtt 185 7:37 115#
Graysen 80 3:47 55#
Shannon 165 5:30 RX
Eric 205 8:55RX

Danielle 110 PR 8:24 65#
Rakshit 187.5 7:37 105#
Sai 75 7:58 55#
Sravanh 50 11:28 35#