


 5 rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups 
40 Push-ups 
60 Squats

CLICK HERE to compare to 1.19.24

“Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.” – Jim Rohn


Mark Spak said...


Subhan 19:00 10rds Cindy RR
Alex 18:11 10rds Cindy

Colette said...

Aimee 25:19 4 rounds
Cate 28:00 rx
Jackie 26:17 4 rnds 10 strict pull up 20# db floor press
Ben 21:23rx
Erini 29:49rx
Freaky 30:33 snake
Mary 26:29 3 rnds 30 push ups PR!
Jessie 27:03 snake/knees banded pull up 4 rnds
Monica 31:02 banded pull ups knee push ups
Yorman 27:52 3 rounds 5 kip swing practice 10 ring rows kneeling push ups

Aimee Lyons said...

Sarah B 36:32 12/24/60 band/RR
Pam 23:30 - 20 push ups each round
Gordy 20:35 (15/30/45 reps) 4 rds
Megs 28:51 rx
Ana C 31:15 rx
Gina 28:02 10 pull ups/20 push ups/ 60 squat
Edwin 29:59 12/24/60 last round no pull up
Dana D 23:09 20 pushups each round
Alicia 26:50 RR snake
Keith 24:55 4 rds rom
Carl B 20:28 rx pr
Matty bo 26:51 3 rds
Geoff 26:11 3 rds
Rich A 20:55 rx pr

Aimee Lyons said...

Karen M 20:27 12/24/48 reps snake
Mike Mit 21:16 12/24/48 reps
Matt P 22:14 4 rds
Matt D 23:17 rx
Grace 26:57 rx pr!
Jeff 18:49 rx pr
Eric 26:44 4 rds snake
Shannon 27:16 20 pushups