
W.O.D. 1.14.22

Back Squat 

AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
3 Back Squat (@50% or your 7 RM)
30 Double Unders
6 Back Squats
30 Double Unders
9 Back Squats
30 Double Unders....

....continue adding 3 Back Squats until the 7 minutes has elasped.
(the cash out will be from the floor)

“Remember how far you’ve come, not just how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.” 
— Rick Warren


Taylor W said...

6 am
Julia 165 153 RX
Makayla :) 210 55#
Mark 225 165 from the rack
Jamie 215 209 RX
Colette 245 199 rx
Subhan 265 143 rx
Sean 265 208RX
Mike s 145 110 220 dubs
Brian 275 :)
Elizabeth 185 170 rx
Kamilah 130 160 rx
Kristi 83 174 (60 singles)

Ben Berry said...

Will 235# 129 singles 125#
Olan 235# 143 RX
Meg O. 165# 247 RX
ABO 205# PR RX 113 10 Dubs / from rack
Ben B. 305# PR 😁
Kristen 155# PR 155 dub practice
Danielle G. 185# 196 RX
Samson 245# 164 RX
Greg A. 232# 165 RX
Yex 175# 175 RX
Roberto 205# 195 RX
Remer 275# 213 RX
Joe S. 305# 230, 135#
McHugh 225# 195 singles

Bella 115# 160 RX
Gia 115 195 singles
Edwin 115# 243 singles
Baez 275# 150 RX
Danielle C. 135# 195 singles
Tommy 295# 150 RX
Justin 295# 174 RX

Taylor W said...

Erini 125 273 singles
Missy 100 150 55# 15 dubs
Jim 93 17" box 195 singles
Em g 125 203 rx
Jill 115 185 60 singles
Andrew 205 17" box 171 15 dubs
freaky G 145 236 rack

Taylor W said...

Ina 115 162 rack
Gavin 275 165 rx
Pam 185 165 rx
Megz 150 195 rx
Dana d 150 243 rx
Rich a 330 195 rx
The nataie 210 PR 198 rx