

10 Rounds for time:
3 Power Cleans (125/185#)
6 Handstand Push-ups
9 Wallballs (14/20# to 9/10ft)

Community Notes:
Open gym will be on Sunday from 11:00AM-1:00PM. Free for members.

"A man's character may be learned from the adjectives which he habitually uses in conversation."
-Mark Twain


Samson said...

"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society." - Mark Twain

Paul S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Mike C 21:03 125/sb
Megs 20:33 95
Peterson 20:17 165/sb
Brian H. 16:15 115/sb/14
Kim G. 21:0185, sb
JK 22:57 65, sb
King 20:41 SB, 155
Ellie 22:11 95/sb

Peter 23:09 155
mark C 25:06 155
Lauren 20:41 95/hsh

Nick A 23:49 105hng/sb/14

Paul S said...

Bre 18:58 95/sb
Johnny Kwon 22:25Rx
Roni 16:50 95/sb
Regi 18:45 75/AbM

Paul S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul S said...


John Mc 29:46 SC
Brian R 26:58 155#

5:30 Mobility

John Mc
Tim H
Tom C

Paul S said...

Jill H. 15:42 SC
Fugo 16:56 SC
Nicole 17:39 SC
Al V. 10ish RX
Rich P. 17:21 SC
Kathleen 20:29 SC
Nick Z. 16:36 SC
Jonathan 16:33 SC
Lauren 15:42 SC
Ronnie 15:23 SC
Dianne 19:04 SC
Christ 15:30 SC
Kara 15:25 SC
Shawna 18:10 SC
AOTM 18:49 SC
KT 12:57 Sub Pushups
Stasie 20:17 SC
Andre 16:23 SC
Jorge 16:23 SC