

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts (185/275#)
15 Ring Dips
30 Box Jumps (24/30")

Community Notes:
Open gym will run this Sunday 11/3  from 11-1PM.  This is a time that is a FREE session to members to work on a missed wod, skill or strength.  If you cannot make Wolverine on Thursday this would also be a good time to make up that missed WOD.  

“The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won’t.”
-Henry Ward Beecher


Tim P said...


Peter 15:14 Rx
Klutch 12:50 Rx
Becca N 17:23 scale
Megs 14:12 185 scale
Lauren M 14:44 (155)
Ellie 15:40 (125)
Jill 12:22 (145) scale
Dinger 15:38 (165) scale
Gina 2rnds DNF (victim of the box)

Paul S said...

Diane 9:40 SC
Barb 11:31 SC
Ryan S. 14:34 #205
Jill H. 15:03 SC
Rich 12:31 SC
Chip 15:08 RX
Bre 12:15 #135SDL
Jonathan 8:32 SC
Christ 10:42 SC
Kara 11:05 SC
Nicole 11:08 SC
Mark 16:00 RX

Good job today 9:30, to the afternoon classes... Remember just because you can DL 275/185 does not mean you should be using it in this workout.
As we told you in the intro class, these wods are prescribed for the elite, and for someone elite 275 is not hard.

Anonymous said...

Did you know there was a structured strength class today at 10:30am? There is one every Tuesday!

This is what the class did today:

1) Every minute on the minute for 7mins- 3 push jerks
(At a weight that's challenging but you can maintain form)

2) 5x5 heavy back squats

3) 3x10 dumbbell shoulder press

4) 3x10 hypers, hollow rocks & dumbbell rows.

Every class will start with a power movement or a progression of one. Snatch, clean, jerk. Focus will be technique.

Then we will do a squat or deadlift and a form of a press be it push press, shoulder press, bench press. The goal will not be finding a max, rather getting in volume at a weight that will build strength.

Lastly we will finish with accessory lifts, isolating smaller muscle groups with a focus on the poster chain and core.

Unknown said...


Nick A 15:50 SC
Olan 16:43 24"/225#

Welcome back Nick A!


Justin R 16:50 SC
JZ 13:20 SC
Regi 11:19 SC
Taylor 10:47 Sc
Joe JR ?
Travis 11:39 SC
Mark B 9:27 SC
Rob Ph 12:07 275/SC
Shawn T 12:52 135/24"
Westwood 15:56 205/30"/SC
Roman 13:37 225#

Welcome back Shawn T!

Paul S said...

Keith 11:22 RX
Linda 13:20 SC
Kathy 12:30 SC
Tom 11:38 #215
Steph C. 9:56 SC
Gavin 12:25 SC

Welcome back to Kathy! One of the original 7:30 ladies!!

Keith B said...


Tim P 8:51 155
Laura 14:42 ROM
Joe P 15:05 scale
John Mc 14:36 225
Dee 10:06 scale
Miranda 16:00 165 scale
Nick C 16:52 225
Brian R 12:45 scale


Kate C 10:36 Rx
Rachel 13:36 110 band
Alona 13:45 135 band
Matt B 16:14 Rx
Johnny 12:41 225
Brett 15:25 225
Cline 17:05 165 band 27"