
W.O.D. 11.2.11

"Widow Maker"
AMRAP in 15 minutes:
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (21"/25")
15 Double Unders

(compare to 1.29.11)

Muscle Ups

Helen meets Grace - Two Girls in one day. Save a pair. Save a life. Are you in? Have you registered?

"A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others."
-Ayn Rand

Pooch 7 (SU)
Mike P 7 Rx
Bekah 9 (20"/SU)
Lee 9 (SU)
Tidmore 10 (SU)
Jay E 6 Rx
Dianne 6 (SU/17")
Mike S 7 (SU)
Doreen 7 Rx
Nicole S 6 Rx
Paul 8 (SU/17")
Mark 8 (su/dua)
Susan 7 (rx)
Keith 8 (rx)
Kevin 8 (rx+ 30" box)
Patty 8 (17", su)
Kathleen 7 (rx)
Tamas 7 Rx
WW 10
Brian 11 su
Rob Ph 12 24" su
Jeff 7 Rx
Diego 8
Jackie 7 17" su
Megs 10 Rx
Gabe 10 Rx
Olan 9 Rx
Becca 9 su
LP 12 Rx+ 25"
Arin 7 20" su
Amanda 7 20" su
Fab 6 Rx
KSB 9 17"
alison 7 Rx
Joy 9 su
Peterbutt 11 Rx
Mrs. Peterson 8 su
Flounder 7 24" su
Oleg 8 Rx
Kate 9 24"
Shawn 10 Rx
Tim H 7 20" su
Ben 7 su
Joe 5 Rx
Vinny 12 Rx
Jerry 10 Rx
Jess S. 5 su
Denise 7 Rx
Sheng Ching 6 modified
Nicole G. 8 17" su
Kathryn 7 13" su (first class!)
Jen S. 11 Rx
Travis 7 su
Randy 5 24" su
Justin K. 9 Rx
Ernie 8 Rx
Conn 7 Rx
Stasie 7 13" su
Danielle 7 Rx
Rebecca 8 20" su
Charles 9 Rx
Nick 7 24"


donkey said...

OMG. that video. who didn't need a good cry tonight?

Aimee Lyons said...

Donkey- an oldie but goodie...

Meighan said...

The song itself is a tear jerker add in the story and it's waterworks.

Vinny said...

6:00am results

Pooch 7 (SU)
Mike P 7 Rx
Bekah 9 (20"/SU)
Lee 9 (SU)
Tidmore 10 (SU)
Jay E 6 Rx
Dianne 6 (SU/17")
Mike S 7 (SU)
Doreen 7 Rx
Nicole S 6 Rx
Paul 8 (SU/17")

Great effort this morning guys...Nice progress Mike P on the DU's...hard work paid off for you! Jay E, I've never seen one arm burpees before, thanks for that!!

shoeless said...

Some more on the Derek Redmond story: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2007/jan/07/athletics.features1

shoeless said...

oops...add an "s.features1" to the end of that url

Mike P said...

Gracias, Vinny - it's all in the coaching.

One arm burpees???? Complete and utter badassery, Jay E.

Stephanie Vincent said...

The name of this WOD makes perfect sence. I find jumping to tax me cardiovascularily more than anything else...this triplet of jumping looks brutal.

Cate said...

noon results:

Mark 8 (su/dua)
Susan 7 (rx)
Keith 8 (rx)
Kevin 8 (rx+ 30" box)
Patty 8 (17", su)
Kathleen 7 (rx)

nice work!

Jay E said...

Tamas-it was a scale of some sort. They also could be called "slow motion" burpees

Chris P. said...

5:30 and 6:30 Bumblebees and Horses

Tamas 7 Rx
WW 10
Brian 11 su
Rob Ph 12 24" su
Jeff 7 Rx
Diego 8
Jackie 7 17" su
Megs 10 Rx
Gabe 10 Rx
Olan 9 Rx
Becca 9 su
LP 12 Rx+ 25"
Arin 7 20" su
Amanda 7 20" su
Fab 6 Rx
KSB 9 17"
alison 7 Rx
Joy 9 su
Peterbutt 11 Rx
Mrs. Peterson 8 su
Flounder 7 24" su
Oleg 8 Rx
Kate 9 24"
Shawn 10 Rx
Tim H 7 20" su
Ben 7 su
Joe 5 Rx
Vinny 12 Rx
Jerry 10 Rx
Jess S. 5 su
Denise 7 Rx
Sheng Ching 6 modified
Nicole G. 8 17" su
Kathryn 7 13" su (first class!)
Jen S. 11 Rx
Travis 7 su
Randy 5 24" su
Justin K. 9 Rx
Ernie 8 Rx
Conn 7 Rx
Stasie 7 13" su
Danielle 7 Rx
Rebecca 8 20" su
Charles 9 Rx
Nick 7 24"

Aimee Lyons said...

Plentus - please tell me that was 4:30 also?... If not, those are some HUGE classes!

Chris P. said...

uh, yes! I was in autopilot since I usually do the 5:30 and 6:30. 4:30 confirmed in that grouping, still big classes though!

JL said...

I thought the same thing!

Aimee Lyons said...

Thanks P! WOW! Wednesday is the new Monday...guess only when we offer Wolverine on a Monday!

Aimee Lyons said...

Who's JL, is that the traveling Jason Lyons?

Jerry said...

Just watched video with my oldest son.... it got us both..

Chris P. said...

I forgot to mention a bunch of ppl got muscle ups, most of them after a mu hiatus. Peterbutt, Jerry, Nick got 3 stringing...I'm probably forgetting others so just post!