See you at 8:00AM for the CrossFit KoP AMAZING RACE
(bring a partner or we will match you up with one when you arrive)
(Friends and Family are welcome)
Amazing Race, KoP Style:
100 Kettlebells
(clue: merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream, with a rope)
run to the boathouse
100 Burpees
(clue: its where Norristown parks its' "Drops of Jupiter")
run to the Norristown train station
150 lunges
(clue: you won't find any sand under this palm tree)
run to The Palm
200 air squats
(clue: it's where you would do your WOD in August 2009)
run to Transaxle
200 double unders or eat 4 donuts
(clue: it's Aimee and Jason's second home)
run to CF KoP
100 wall balls
Ali/Kit/Seve 67:30
Bo/Ken (Dorken) 62:54
Mike F/Oleg 61:25
Kate K/Megs (T&T) 50:49
KT/Keith (Beaujolais Nouveau) 58:55
Jen S/Ciera 70:39
LP/Cate C 44:43
O'Tobins 62:40
Olan/Balmer 49:40
Patti/Erika 66:17
John/Kim 63:28
Rachael/Katie V 63:27
Lee/Sara 54:50
Dan/King 51:48
Jonathan/Julie 57:11
Coaches Note:
An amazing day at CF KoP and yet another example on how awesome our community is. Aimee and I are grateful to be a part of your transformations and thankful to be your friends. Thank you very much for everything you do, your enthusiasm makes it all worthwhile... we can't wait until next year!
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

(Friends and Family are welcome)
Amazing Race, KoP Style:
100 Kettlebells
(clue: merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream, with a rope)
run to the boathouse
100 Burpees
(clue: its where Norristown parks its' "Drops of Jupiter")
run to the Norristown train station
150 lunges
(clue: you won't find any sand under this palm tree)
run to The Palm
200 air squats
(clue: it's where you would do your WOD in August 2009)
run to Transaxle
200 double unders or eat 4 donuts
(clue: it's Aimee and Jason's second home)
run to CF KoP
100 wall balls
Ali/Kit/Seve 67:30
Bo/Ken (Dorken) 62:54
Mike F/Oleg 61:25
Kate K/Megs (T&T) 50:49
KT/Keith (Beaujolais Nouveau) 58:55
Jen S/Ciera 70:39
LP/Cate C 44:43
O'Tobins 62:40
Olan/Balmer 49:40
Patti/Erika 66:17
John/Kim 63:28
Rachael/Katie V 63:27
Lee/Sara 54:50
Dan/King 51:48
Jonathan/Julie 57:11
Coaches Note:
An amazing day at CF KoP and yet another example on how awesome our community is. Aimee and I are grateful to be a part of your transformations and thankful to be your friends. Thank you very much for everything you do, your enthusiasm makes it all worthwhile... we can't wait until next year!
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Aimee and Jason:
You both keep setting the bar higher for all of us members. What a great turn out this all did great. Thanks for all you do!!!
Happy Bird Day All...
Kevin B
Thank you to everyone who helped put together today's Amazing Race. The toughest part may be trying to explain to family how eating donuts for time was actually a part of my workout...
Aimee and Jason,
What a great way to start the holiday. Thank you for putting this together and for all you both do each and every day. It is our pleasure to be part of everything at the box.
Beth O., Mike T., and Emily.
question, how many meters/miles was that to run?
We were thinking at least 2.5 miles but Jason or Aimee might give a more precise number.
Me and Kim had a blast. Thank you for setting this up Loving my new crossfit family.
What a great way to start this day!! We should get an RX plus or a dunce hat, lol, because we accidentally went to the old box before going to the Palm location. So we ran up the hills of Bridgeport two times!!!!! Ugh!!! Hahaha!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
That was a lot of fun, great way to start the day! Thanks to all those who helped put it together! I can't wait for the next one!
And I will really be thankful when Jason learns how to spell my name! I know there is a Kate K, Cate K and Kate C but come on, it isn't that hard lol!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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