Athlete of the Month - Danny

Chicago, IL. South Side and I am in no way a Cubs fan.
Current Location:
King of Prussia
Age: 31
Occupation: Sales
Undergrad- Southern Illinois, Masters Texas A&M
Childhood hero- Hulk Hogan
Adulthood hero- Optimus Prime
Favorite Quote?
"You only live once, and the way I live, once is enough."
-- Frank Sinatra
Did you ever play sports?
High School I played football, wrestled and baseball. College was rugby.
Games you like to play?
As a kid I loved playing Chutes and Ladders. As an adult I love playing F, marry or kill.
When did you start CrossFit?
Aug, 2010 I believe. First WOD was a well-known buzz saw called Fran. Rachael was who I was partnered with doing the WOD and it took me the longest in the class to finish. The funny part is, I even scaled and it took me an hour. I used every band that Aimee had available.....it looked like a car wash. It was just bad, I seriously considered quitting crossfit and going back to a globo gym.
What is your biggest achievement at CrossFit?
This is easy, my first muscle up. I seriously thought I would never get one.
What do you feel that you still need to work on?
All gymnastic movements, snatches, rope climbs, wearing a weight vest (this crushes me), and bear crawls (stupidest thing ever but crushes me).
Goals for the rest of this year?
Overall my biggest goal is to prepare myself both physically & mentally for sectionals this upcoming year. I would also say that another goal is strength endurance.
What is your favorite time of day to WOD?
Any time after 9am. Danny is not a morning person
What's your favorite WOD?
Mentally- Kalsu. I have never come as close to quitting a WOD at least 7 times as I did Kalsu. You really have to fight through this WOD. Let me also add, Kalsu mentally is not my favorite while I am doing it. Only when I reflect back after 2 hours of not moving on the floor did I realize the benefit of that WOD. Physically- Grace is a good one, Nancy, Diane (even though my hspu crap out on me) and Elizabeth.
What's your least favorite WOD?
Physically- Kalsu...brutal. Overall it has to be Wolverine. Talk about silly, 600 sit ups are not enough? We add in double Grace, 120 pull ups and over a 2 mile run. SILLY
What's your favorite lift?
Pre crossfit I was a chronic bench presser like my friend Vinny. But I have grown to like the deadlift and front squat.
What's your least favorite lift?
What's your favorite foods, and snacks?
One of my fav meals I learned to make from the paleo challange was the meat balls with spaghetti squash. I cant believe how good that is. Still one of my fav meals. On occasion, I am tempted to dabble in some beer, pizza, wings, fries and anything this is open after 2am.
Whats your favorite piece of workout gear?
I love my Innov-8's. My first day I wore them to the gym, I got on the 100 double under's board. We now have a special bond and they carry me through WOD's.
What do you like most about Crossfit KOP?
Honestly, it is the community part of KOP. I have met some amazing people at the gym. We all share that common bond when it comes to fighting through a WOD in the gym but it is really special in how that bond has carried over into many lifelong friendships out of the gym. Also, I am very proud to be a member at KOP. Aimee and Jason have done and continue to do amazing things in the general community as well as the crossfit community. Last, I like all of the jungle gym amenities we have.....I am waiting for a ball pit to play in!
PR's to mention-
My first muscle up was a huge PR for me (now people can stop calling me out on the white board). Also, I shaved off nearly 8 minutes on my least favorite WOD Wolverine.
congrats Danny!! Well deserved! I have watched you grow into a phenomenal athlete over the past year. You are a steam engine! You dont stop, you just keep going and going. Sectionals...wow, impressive buddy:) Can't wait for this year.
P.S. You made Jelly proud!
Fixed... I want a recount! Lol, congrats homie. You have become one of the best at the gym in a short period of time. Keep getting better and release your mind.
Congrats! Always inspiring to watch you absolutely destroy WODs and crush souls.
Yeahh Danny! It's been great watching your performance progress and becoming your friend this year. You're truly a natural leader and a man of honor.
1. The shake weight spokesmodel
2. http://bit.ly/vAYOWZ in just a smedium t-shirt.
3. The "Lara" of Lara Bars http://www.larabar.com/about/history/founder
Congrats Danny! Getting Married and getting athlete of the month in November- your on fire!
Your strong, funny and down to earth. Keep on kicking butt :-)
Is there going to be a cele bration at rock bottom?
-Steph V.
Congrats Danny. You are so awesome that it hurts my eyes just to watch you deadlift. It's like looking directly into the sun. Keep up the good work.
Congrads. When you show up for a WOD when I am there I always say to myself "I have to take it up another notch". That sums it up. Inspirational.
Kevin B./Byrnsey
One hour long carwash Fran... lol.
Danny! a well deserved profile, since at first glance people might think you're part of Hell's Angels but upon further inspection you're a teddy bear. A teddy bear that can deadlift 490+.
Congrats on all of your hard work Danny. Your dedication and hard work have always impressed me. Its always a blast (and a challenge to keep up) whenever we get a chance to work out in the same wod.
Yeah Danny! You are insane (in a good way)!!
Congrats Danny!
Thank you everyone!! I really appreciate it!
Late to the party, but congratulations, Danny. It's been great watching you come along as an athlete and you have the ability to influence so many with your furious energy during a WOD. Keep on keepin' on.
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