CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting HELEN MEETS GRACE.
Helen Meets Grace – a partner effort.
Each team gets one pull up bar, 1 kettle bell and one barbell.
Team completes Helen, then completes Grace afterwards.
They can tag in and out but both athletes must complete the 400 meter runs in Helen.
Score is total time it takes the team to complete both workouts. Come with a partner or get matched up that day.
Helen - 3 Rounds for time of 400M Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings, 12 Pull-ups (35#/55#)
Grace- 30 Clean and Jerks for time (95#/135#)
We will accommodate a set scale for all levels and abilities but partners must use the same weight on the bar and KB. Prizes for the top ladies/men's Rx teams.
CrossFit King of Prussia - 200 DeKalb St. Bridgeport Pa.
We are running our GRAND-re-opening and Fundraiser to benefit Mammograms in Action on November 12th. Doors open at 9AM, opening announcements at 9:30AM, first heats will kick off at 10:00AM - heats assigned upon arrival.
Click here to use this link to register online or donate at the door $35 per person. If you donate online please bring your registration. You can also sign up at the box.
Please come and celebrate this special occasion (you do not have to participate to attend). Save a Life. Save a Pair. We will have raffles, additional WOD's, food and beverages available. If you have or know of anyone or anything you would like to donate to the cause, please contact Aimee Lyons or Jen Sylvester. Last year we raised over $4,179 for the cause, can we top that this year? Please help us get to our goal! Athletes from all affiliates are welcome, the more the merrier!
CrossFit King of Prussia is hosting HELEN MEETS GRACE.
Helen Meets Grace – a partner effort.
Each team gets one pull up bar, 1 kettle bell and one barbell.
Team completes Helen, then completes Grace afterwards.
They can tag in and out but both athletes must complete the 400 meter runs in Helen.
Score is total time it takes the team to complete both workouts. Come with a partner or get matched up that day.
Helen - 3 Rounds for time of 400M Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings, 12 Pull-ups (35#/55#)
Grace- 30 Clean and Jerks for time (95#/135#)
We will accommodate a set scale for all levels and abilities but partners must use the same weight on the bar and KB. Prizes for the top ladies/men's Rx teams.
CrossFit King of Prussia - 200 DeKalb St. Bridgeport Pa.
We are running our GRAND-re-opening and Fundraiser to benefit Mammograms in Action on November 12th. Doors open at 9AM, opening announcements at 9:30AM, first heats will kick off at 10:00AM - heats assigned upon arrival.
Click here to use this link to register online or donate at the door $35 per person. If you donate online please bring your registration. You can also sign up at the box.
Please come and celebrate this special occasion (you do not have to participate to attend). Save a Life. Save a Pair. We will have raffles, additional WOD's, food and beverages available. If you have or know of anyone or anything you would like to donate to the cause, please contact Aimee Lyons or Jen Sylvester. Last year we raised over $4,179 for the cause, can we top that this year? Please help us get to our goal! Athletes from all affiliates are welcome, the more the merrier!
If we registered online are our shirts coming to us or to the gym?
I think coming to you, but I'll double check with Z
Question: Each team has 1 pull-up bar, but can one person scale with a band and the other not?
And if anyone is looking for a partner to do 55# KB and somewhere around 115 c&j, let me know. I'll leave the bodysuit at home. You know, unless you're into that kind of thing.
Cline- Yes, on the pull-ups if one person needs to scale and the other doesn't it's fine.
That bodysuit is pink and goes with the breast cancer/ Mammograms in action theme!
Thanks Aimee!
I am signed up but need a partner - need to scale the C&J.
Someone please be my friend
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