
W.O.D. 10.4.11

Back Squat

Cash out:
Max Rope climbs in 5 minutes

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."
- Vincent Van Gogh

Dianne 115, 5(pulls)
Mike S 135, 5(pulls)
Dorothy 145, 6 rope climbs
Kristin T 182.5, 6 rope climbs
Pat P 275 (depth) 24(pulls)
Lee S 175, 17(pulls)
Nina 200, 4 rope climbs
Jonathan 200 23 pulls
Tamas 225 6 climbs
Susan 153x2 practice
Meg B 135 6 climbs
Kevin B 205 6 climbs
Kara 150 - practice
Chris T 150 - practice
Jess 135/3 climbs+2pulls
Jerry 255/11
Ernie 145/4
Tidmore 165/4
Paige 135/1 (first climb)
Diego 205/3 (PR)
JZ 215/9
Arin 135/4 attempts
Steph 220/22 pulls (PR)
Schell 220/3 attempts
Denise 135/attempts
Sharon 155/attempts
Aim 195/11
Nathan 45/10 pulls
Debbie 78/35 pulls
Stasie 78/25 pulls
Jess S 125/pulls
Oleg 205/2
Shoeless 265/8
Mike P 265/4
Nick 175/5
Zac 345/2


TP said...

6am Results

Dianne 115, 5(pulls)
Mike S 135, 5(pulls)
Dorothy 145, 6 rope climbs
Kristin T 182.5, 6 rope climbs
Pat P 275 (depth) 24(pulls)
Lee S 175, 17(pulls)
Nina 200, 4 rope climbs

Mike S said...

TP - one correction ... I had 5 rope climbs, not pulls. Thanks.

Cate said...

930 results:

Jonathan 200 23 pulls
Tamas 225 6 climbs
Susan 153x2 practice
Meg B 135 6 climbs
Kevin B 205 6 climbs
Kara 150 - practice
Chris T 150 - practice

great job everyone!!

Mike P said...

Oh boy!!!!!! Rope climbs.

Mike P said...

. . . please note sarcasm.

Chris P. said...

6:30pm "Jess and the Boys"

Jess 135/3 climbs+2pulls
Jerry 255/11
Ernie 145/4
Tidmore 165/4

impressive improvement on the depth of those squats fellas!

Aimee Lyons said...

Zac- impressive number, better than your "twin" Kyle! haha!