
W.O.D. 10.19.11

5 Rounds for time of:
200M Row or Run
20 Box Jumps (20-21"/24-25")
200M Row or Run
20 Pistols (10R/10L one legged Squat)
200M Row or Run
20 Kettlebell Swings (35#/55#)
200M Row or Run

Community Notes:
CrossFit KoP will be hosting a Level 1 Certification on January 7th & 8th. Click here to register today.

"Winning is nice if you don't lose your integrity in the process."
– Arnold Horshak

The Nina - 40:12 Rx
Pat - 40:40, 3 rds, box pstls
Manny - 47:50, 20" / 26.5KB / box
Pooch - 41:20, 21" / DC pstl / 35KB
Mike S - 40:37 4 rds / 35KB / box pstl
Bekah - 41:27 / 17" / DC pstl
Tidmore - 42:45 / DC pistol
Mike P 39:57 rx
Kevin B 38:50 (assisted pistols)
Mark 44:48 (assisted pistols)
Susan 50:50 (assisted pistols)
Tori 31:28 (3 rds, squats, 25 lb)
Kara 43:58 (squats)
Rhonda 43:55 (step ups, squats, 18 lbs)
Becky C 53:09 (assisited pistols)
Kyle 35:45 (4 rds, assisted pistols)
Tamas 44:33 (assisted pistols, 55/35)
Megs 23:54 3rnds, P
Kate 39:27 P
Denise 40:35 P
Ernie 42:27 P
Josh 42:44 P
Ben 44:25 B,P,KB
Flounder 45:29 B,P,KB
Balmer 35:57 P
Borden 42:48 4rnds, B,P,KB
Conn 45:08 P,KB
Sandy 43:24 B,P,KB
Rachael 42:03 P
Debbie 38:10 B,P,KB
Charles 38:37 B,P,KB
JNa 16:54 2rnds, scale
Miranda 25:55 3rnds
Golden 38:22 P,KB
Luke 42:20 P
Evan 38:00 3rnds, B,P,KB
Randy 45:00 4.5rnds, B,P,KB
Justin K. 44:56 P
Tony 41:33 RX
Erika 39:47 B,P,KB


Vinny said...

6:00am results

The Nina - 40:12 Rx
Pat - 40:40, 3 rds, box pstls
Manny - 47:50, 20" / 26.5KB / box
Pooch - 41:20, 21" / DC pstl / 35KB
Mike S - 40:37 4 rds / 35KB / box pstl
Bekah - 41:27 / 17" / DC pstl
Tidmore - 42:45 / DC pistol

Way to fight through a long WOD this morning...pistols slowed most people down a bit, but intensity throughout the other movements made up for it.

Mike P said...

OMG - this was AWESOME!

Cate said...

wow...aimee, are you mad at us? ;-)

the noon results:

Mike P 39:57 rx
Kevin B 38:50 (assisted pistols)
Mark 44:48 (assisted pistols)
Susan 50:50 (assisted pistols)
Tori 31:28 (3 rds, squats, 25 lb)
Kara 43:58 (squats)
Rhonda 43:55 (step ups, squats, 18 lbs)
Becky C 53:09 (assisited pistols)
Kyle 35:45 (4 rds, assisted pistols)
Tamas 44:33 (assisted pistols, 55/35)

Byrnsey said...

Tom how are you doing. That was a tough one and tough to watch. We hope for the best for you!

Mike P said...

. . . . Tom H - heal up soon!

. . . . Tamas . . . . LoL and gracias for the props . . . . I'll trade you pistols for muscle ups - which are pretty high up on the badassery scale (what did you get? 15 unbroken) and continue to elude me, much like double unders and snatches.

Chris P. said...

5:30 and 6:30 "Go home and tell your family about the time you did this WOD"
(scale indicated by B=box, P=pistols, KB=kettle bell)

Megs 23:54 3rnds, P
Kate 39:27 P
Denise 40:35 P
Ernie 42:27 P
Josh 42:44 P
Ben 44:25 B,P,KB
Flounder 45:29 B,P,KB
Balmer 35:57 P
Borden 42:48 4rnds, B,P,KB
Conn 45:08 P,KB
Sandy 43:24 B,P,KB
Rachael 42:03 P
Debbie 38:10 B,P,KB
Charles 38:37 B,P,KB
JNa 16:54 2rnds, scale
Miranda 25:55 3rnds
Golden 38:22 P,KB
Luke 42:20 P
Evan 38:00 3rnds, B,P,KB
Randy 45:00 4.5rnds, B,P,KB
Justin K. 44:56 P
Tony 41:33 RX
Erika 39:47 B,P,KB

way to hang in there and keep moving through the reps (all 300 of them, 2.5 miles of running/rowing, and 30 transitions).

Anonymous said...

Where's 4:30's results?

Tidmore said...

Might be my favorite WOD so far

rob ph said...

why is the 4:30 crew not listed?

Anonymous said...

----430pm Results----
Cate 41:40
Joy 40:37 B,P, KB
Becca 40min 4rnds B,P,KB
Tracy 40min B,P,KB
Travis 40:02 B,P,KB ROW
Mike F (row) 40min, 4 rounds P
Gabe 41:28 P(plate)
WW 43:06 P,(plate)
Rob Ph 42:30 B,P
Brian R 4 rounds
Jackie 25:50 3 rounds
Ken 50min B,P,KB
Schnell 39:05 4 rounds, ROW
Katie V 40min B,P, KB
Brad 40:32
Alexis 40min B,P,KB