What: Our Holiday Party (aka Festivus)
Where: CrossFit KoP, 200 DeKalb St. Bridgeport Pa. 19405
When: Thursday December 16th @ 5:00 PM
Wear: A "festive" Holiday Sweater
Arrive with: A covered dish and festive drink and a gift under $5 for the gift exchange
Feats of Strength: First, organize a team of 4 (2 guys and 2 girls) that are all wearing their seasonal sweaters. Second, be prepared to perform max pull-ups and a 1RM deadlift. Your team's score will be the combined totals of the all pull-ups and all deadlifts. The final feat of strength, which will be added to your total will be a mystery event disclosed on Thursday. Lastly, the winning team will be awarded a $100 prize.
Gift Exchange: Gifts under $5.00 are welcome.
Note: Wearing of the Holiday Sweater and participation in the team event is not required to join the Holiday Party!
Discuss: If you must Air Grievances...just let us know!
Where: CrossFit KoP, 200 DeKalb St. Bridgeport Pa. 19405
When: Thursday December 16th @ 5:00 PM
Wear: A "festive" Holiday Sweater
Arrive with: A covered dish and festive drink and a gift under $5 for the gift exchange
Feats of Strength: First, organize a team of 4 (2 guys and 2 girls) that are all wearing their seasonal sweaters. Second, be prepared to perform max pull-ups and a 1RM deadlift. Your team's score will be the combined totals of the all pull-ups and all deadlifts. The final feat of strength, which will be added to your total will be a mystery event disclosed on Thursday. Lastly, the winning team will be awarded a $100 prize.
Gift Exchange: Gifts under $5.00 are welcome.
Note: Wearing of the Holiday Sweater and participation in the team event is not required to join the Holiday Party!
Discuss: If you must Air Grievances...just let us know!
Why is it that work always gets in the way of life!?! I will miss Festivus again because of work. Sadly I will be in Milwaukee, Wisconsin that week. The only person happy about me going out there is my sister...she has me smuggling beer back in my suitcase. Does anybody else have any beer requests??
I need a team! I should be 100% by then so no one will have handicap by having me :)
Mir...i'll take you, girl. we need Jay E and Danny!
Sorry Donk,
I already snagged her along with Danny and JZ. Heading out to get my holiday sweater now.
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