
W.O.D. 3.24.17

10 Rds for Time
9 Thrusters (95/65#)
35 Double Unders

Note: There is a 40 min time cap for this workout.

CLICK HERE for the standards and score card.

Community Notes:
Join us tonight for the LAST Friday Night Lights 17.5. We will have rolling heats from 3:30 on...and a party to follow. All members and friends are welcome. Also remember it's the GRAND OPENING of the PRO-Shop!

Jason and Aimee will be providing PIZZA and an after party social for anyone who can stay following 17.5. Bring your favorite beverage or a drink or snacks to share!

“The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.” 
– Dale Carnegie


CFKOP iPad said...

Katie M 40:00cap 204 reps Rx
Ellie H 17:59 Rx
Mike San 39:04 Rx
Becca N 40cap 295reps Rx
Ben M 40cap 396 reps Rx
Theresa L 17:26 Rx
Kevin B 20:49 Rx
Briana K 35:59rx
Mark Sp 40cap 230 reps Rx
Paul D 29:09 Rx
Kate K 25:49 Rx
Mike C 40cap 308 reps Rx

Manisha said...

Jonathan S 352 reps time cap
Kevin H 24:09 Rx
Jackie H 229 Reps time cap
Meggan 185 reps time cap
Ina 267 reps
Jill H 37:10 Rx
Mary H 364 reps time cap
Michael R 369 reps time cap

Jess M 14:08

Barb Z 11:50 (35# to box/70 single unders/sit ups)
Barb C 31:10 (15# wooden plates/single unders)
Brendan 25:20

Anonymous said...

Richa 12:45 Rx
jon Pang 14:20rx
meredith 65RX (1stDu!)
denise 311Rx (20m cap)
Miranda 312Rx (20m cap)
Tim h 254 Rx
John M 34:09Rx
Marla 28:30Rx (18du strung)

Anonymous said...

Giulz 16:30 rx

Jill A 15:47 rx
Brian s. 40:00 rx 337
jason lyons 17:35 rx
Jess A. 190 rx
Mariana 38:20 rx
Matt e. 22:56 rx
Justin R. 28:32 rx
Regi 15:33 rx

Jenna 26:57 rx
Mooney 19:30 rx
Terry 102 rx
Keara 19:48 rx
Mae 19:02 rx
Donna 359 rx
Sydney H. 10:48 rx

DD 21:33 rx
Jon P 15:07 rx
pam 16:29 rx
Andrew c. 11:09 rx
Anne 37:55 rx
Aileen 15:55 rx
Danielle 18:09 rx
Therese 242 rx
Patrick 34:22 rx
Gordy 15:25 rx

Maggie 12:04 rx
Olan 29:00 rx
Stipa 29:04 rx
Dave H. 19:55 rx
Edwin 26:52 rx
Noel 229 rx
Laura A. 14:44 rx
Joe C. 25:19 rx
Nicole N. 26:12 rx

Lindsey 38:13 rx
Ryan s. 25:18 rx
Alicia marie 30:20 rx
Shawna 317
Bryan 222 rx
Raj 24:03 rx
Jeremy 18:16 rx
Holly 12:55 rx
Steph Mc. my love 24:45
Josh M. 19:32 rx
Steve z 308 rx

Matt B. 24:57 rx
Alan 10 rx PR!!!!
Tia 24 rx
Alona 25:36 rx
Cline 28:14 rx
Keith 16:33 rx
Alex T. 220 rx
Rob C. 24:34 rx
Ryan S. 2

Jill Hilliard said...

Sydney H is scaled

Anonymous said...

Steph C 33:45 rx
Diane 14 rx
Alex L ??
Michal 15:17 RX
Rachel 12:08 rx
Tori 15:39 singles
Dave N 27:47 rx
Kristen 28:14 rx
Erik 390 rx
Marissa 16:32 rx
Jen S 179 RX

Rachel Spring said...

Sunday Scores:

Jen Solt 325 RX
Nicole Montanez 9 RX
Esra 27:52 RX
Kris K 340 RX
Heleen 231 RX
Joe M 95 RX

Manisha said...

Manisha- 25:10 Rx