
W.O.D. 3.23.17

Join us, along with some pretty cool vendors for the GRAND OPENING of the PRO-Shop on Friday 3/24 at the OPEN WOD 17.5--our last Friday Night Lights. 

(In teams of two complete the following for time)
2 Rounds of:
100 Calories Row
50 Burpee Box Jumps (20/24")

Community Notes: 
This FRIDAY is the fifth week of the CrossFit Games OPEN (17.5), we will run heats (upon arrival) from 3:30PM until 7:30PM (and the workout will run in all other classes throughout the day, as well). Friends and spectators are welcome. Drop-ins are only $10 for FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” 
– Henry Ford


CFKOP iPad said...

Kevin B/DD/JP - 18:27 Rx

CFKOP iPad said...

Joe C/John K 16:19 Rx

CFKOP iPad said...

Edwin/ Nicole N/ Jeremy - 19:51 Rx

CFKOP iPad said...

Tim H/Rich A 17:57 Rx
Erika L/Denise W 22:43 Rx
Nicole R/Miranda 24:45 (13"/17")
Pam G/Mike Sim 16:08 Rx

Anonymous said...

Regi/Jilla 19:10RX
Mike M/Remer 18:15 RX
Anne/Kate 22:57 17/Rx
ROb C/Jess A 23:56 Rx/17
Alex T 15:42 Rx
Olan/McHugh 18:19 RX
Kelly/Carrie 27:46 17/ 2, 45#
Jen S 14:15 rx
Brian R/Raj 23:03 17/RX
Lindsey/Alejandra/Kris 26:21 rx
