
W.O.D. 3.20.17

EMOM for 20 minutes of: 
 20 Double unders 
1 Squat Clean Thruster (from the floor)

(Coaches notes: Athletes will add weight to the Thruster each round until you reach a working max.)

“The person without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder.” 
– Thomas Carlyle


Manisha said...

Theresa L 100 PR
Mike San 95
John King 145
Kevin B 145
Mark Sp 115 (1 squat clean + 1 squat)

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
Jill H 100 (10 du)
Jackie 120 ( 5 DU)
Mary 80 (10 DU)
Karen S 80# (5 DUA)

Anonymous said...

Becca 85 10DU
Ellie 105Rx
Ben M 125 6-10Du
Katie 80 5DU
Danielle 110 10-20du
JP 175 RX???

Kat 65 SU
Anna 88 SU
Joe C 155 rx
Jeff B 190Rx

Andrew 225Rx
Keara 83 Rx
Cate 145Sc
Panos 155 Sc
Rich A 215 Rx
Brian 155 10DU
Kevin H 170Rx
Marissa 115Rx
Kevin T 125 Rx
Ina 70 10DU

Aimee Lyons said...

Keith 205 RX, 235 with a few minutes off
Ryan Ax 185 Squat Clean (10 DU)

Therese 80 (5 DUA)
Michelle H 45 rack (5 DU)
Mooney 195# Rx
Mike M 95 (5 DU)
Mike R - OPEN
Alex T 75 (5 DUA)
Anne B 65 (DU)
Giulia 130 Squat Cleans
Ryan S 125# (15 DU)
Julie 125 (10DU)
Raj 125# (20/10 DU)

Every other Minute on the Minute --Due to Class size!
Justin R 185 Rx
Jen S 90 (10/20 DU)
Twinnie 110 Rx
Alona 120# (no Squat)
Mariana 110 # (5 DUA)
Alison 115 ROM
Jess M 70 (7DUA)
Donna 80 (5 DUA)
Cline 160 Rx
Aileen 115 Rx
Laura A 130 Rx
Josh P 170 Rx
Ale 90# (6 DU)
Rob C 195 PR! Rx

CFKOP iPad said...


Rachel 170 PR! (-1 round)
Josh M 165 Rx
Neil 185 15 sec assault bike
Borden 175 (-3 rounds)
Matt B 155 Rx
Mike C 95 Rx
