
W.O.D. 8.28.15

For time:
40 Overhead Squats (65/95#)
30 Burpees
Rest 3 Minutes
1 Mile Run
Rest 2 Minutes
30 Overhead Squats (65/95#)
20 Burpees

"Strategy requires thought, tactics require observation."
-Machgielis “Max” Euwe


Anonymous said...

Mike Si 21:55 ROW
Mike S 26:30 55#
Jamie 22:50 35#
Shari 23:10 35/15#
Jeff B 23:05 RX
Theresa 21:08 55#
King 21:22 RX
Jill C 22:43 45#
Jessica M 27:32 15#

Pete 18:01 RX
Jen S 23:29 53#
Alona 24:04 RX
Alex L 20:53 RX

Aimee Lyons said...

Jackie 23:41 Rx
Briana 25:53 45#
Kevin 20:51 45#
Ravi 23:24 45#
Pam 21:25 Rx
Jill A 21:43 Rx
Jill 23:33 35# to ball
Manisha 23:44 35#
Fran 26:56 15# to ball

Aimee Lyons said...

12:15 express
Denise 26:10 55#
Dana 22:06 55#
Jessie 23:42 35#
Gillian 26:16 11#/PVC
Rob 26:20 75/65
Rich A 22:49 Rx

Keith B said...


Josh B 17:58 Rx
Jonathan P 20:30 Rx
Erik 23:29 65
Lauren 22:11 55

Keith B said...


Regi 20:17 Rx
Giulz 21:49 Rx
Justin R 21:30 75
Chris D 21:44 65
Danielle 23:21 35
Rachel 22:02 Rx
Josh P 22:25 65
Joe P 24:00 65

Keith B said...


Alex 20:37 35
Raj 26:17 35
Matt E 20:37 95