

10 K Row  

Join us for our annual 10,000 Meter Row. 

6:00AM Class 
9:00-1:00 Open Gym with Aimee
3:00-6:00 Open Gym with Ben 

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” 
―Winston Churchill


Aimee Lyons said...

Brennan 46:00
Cortlyndd 41:40
Jim N 55:55
Pam 44:28 PR!
Shannon 43:50 PR!
Erini 49:43
Christina 59:19
Gent 42:43
Richard 58:44
Lee 26:35 5K
Teresa 54:30

Ben Shipley said...

Sravanh 51:15 (1st Time)
Sai 58:47 (1st Time)
Seth 44:19 RX
Sarah 51:19 Rx
Matt D 38:57 Rx
Mike Mitterer 50:15
Karen M 24:08 5k Row/25:54 10k C2
Mae 53:11 20K C2
Max 48:35 Rx