"Filthy 50"
For Time:
50 Box jumps
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings
50 Walking-lunge steps
50 Knees-to-elbows
50 Push presses
50 Back extensions
50 Wall-ball shots
50 Burpees
50 Double-Unders
(Men: 24-inch box, 53# KB, 45-lb. push press, 20-lb. ball Women: 20-inch box, 35# KB, 33-lb. push press, 14-lb. ball)
CLICK HERE to Compare to 7.17.24
CLICK HERE to Compare to 3.5.24
“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”
—Tina Fey
Aimee 24:44 17 in box
Cate 18:00 sc
Em 21:49 40 reps rom gm
Mary 22:34 30 reps sc
King 27:57 sc
Jackie 17:15 30 reps rom
Ben 21:10 rx PR!
6 am
Larissa 26:11 26# KB/ 12# WB
Alex 28:05 rx PR!
Brennan 23:36 30 reps 35 kb/14 wb
Jess 28:06 KR
Subhan 18:18 sc AF
Dana D 27:07 GHD sit ups / good mornings
Noah 30:00 scaled
Pam 24:02 rx
Kristen K 26:01 knees to chest
Erini 21:11 rx
Jordan 25:40 sc 30 reps
Eric 28:34 ROM KTE 1/2 hip ext 1/2 GM
Leah 25:19 40's
Gent 30:00 CAP - 12 burpees no rope
Edwin 26:18 ROM kte
Gordy 18:57 30 reps
Ali 24:39 40 rep
Megs 22:15 sc
Daniella 16:40 30 reps scaled
Abby 16:36 100# knee raise 30 reps
Maggie 20:07 35 reps
Jeff P. 20:47 RX
Grace H 24:07 RX
Matt D. 24:09
Matt B. 21:59 30 reps
Freaky 24:17 RX, PR!
Bella K 29:32 sc
Matt P. 21:10 30 reps
Rich A 29:30 RX
Noah A. 30:30 sc
Karen K 28:28 sc
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