

For time:
400 M Walking Lunge


AMRAP in 15 Minutes with a partner:
10 ring muscle-ups 200-m run with a partner – One partner works and one rests during the muscle-ups.

“Every time you hurt, you heal. After darkness, there is always light and you get reminded of this every morning but still, you choose to believe that the night will last forever. Nothing lasts forever. Not the good or the bad. So you might as well smile while you’re here.” — Iain S. Thomas


Keith B said...


Mike S 22:31 6+1 5 Strict pull-ups/5push-ups

Aimee Lyons said...

400M walking lunge
Jill H 16:28 rx
Mary H 10:16 200 M lunge
Sydney H 8:18 200M lunge
Jackie 12:37 90# backwards sled drag
Evan 18:12 rx
Dana H 16;32 RX

Jill/ Jackie 6+10 trans/run/bike
Mary/Sydne 6+10 trans/ bike/run
Dana H / Evan 3+4 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Ana 13:25 rx
Gina 15:32 rx
Pam 14:32 rx
Shannon 14:59 rx
Rich A 14:23 rx
Taylor 16:58 rx
Sarah 19:24 rx
Max 14:04 rx

Rich + Taylor 4 +7 rx (mostly rich)
Pam + Shannon 5+ 10 high ring trans
Sara H + Max 5 -ish transitions

Taylor said...

Jeff 10:55 Rx
Remer 13:42 Rx
Alex tu 16:43 Rx
Rocco 20:45 Rx
Freaky G 13:42 Rx
Karen 19:05 Rx
Marty b 19:01 rx
Erika 16:21 rx
Rakshit 16:00 rx

Alex Erin 5 rx

Freaky G
Rocco 6+ 7 scaled

Marty B 5+2 sc

Erika 5 transition c2