


The Other CrossFit Total 
Clean, 1 rep 
Bench press, 1 rep 
Overhead squat, 1 rep 
Clean is from the ground, power or squat.

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." 
-Theodore Roosevelt


Taylor W said...

Erini 115 PR, , 115 PR, 85 PR
Mary 115, 115 PR, 85
Jackie 115 , 295 trap bar deadlift , 175 safety squat
Shannon 145,135,125

Danielle Gambone said...

Larissa 80,80,60 220
Mike 135,130,100 365
Missy 110,90,65 265
Danielle 150,125,125 400

Aimee Lyons said...

Geoff 190 155 330 = 675
Carl 280 pr 335 pr 237.5 pr = 852.5
Ben 295 PR bench
Pam 170 PR 135 135 = 440
Sarah 78 78 55 = 221
Kate C 160 PR 125 135 = 485
Kevin 245 275 305 safety squat = 825

Aimee Lyons said...

Olan 205 205 145 = 555
Taylor 265 245 245 = 755
Laura S 3 x55 5x 15 DB
Ryan S 185 165 185 = 535
Lauren T 145 115 110 = 370
Alex Tu 215 185 75 = 475
Emma N 135 105 100 = 340
Lenny 180 225 137.5= 542.5
Freaky :)
Karen 130 115 95 =345
Mike Mit 185 175 145 FS = 505
Jeff P 315 275 255 = 845
Joe S 275 185 145 = 605
Matty Bo 225 225 155 = 605

Gordy said...

Gordy 195 155 135

Taylor W said...

Mary 125 bench *

Taylor W said...

Seth 220 PR , 275, 185 680
Greg 231 175 185 591
Katie 115 95 85 295
Danielle c 115, 105, 85 305
Jorge 145,155,135 435
Baez 295,255,255 805
Rachel 185,132,154 471
Julia N 178,121,143 442
Ryan P 275,285,245 805