6 am Larissa 2+44 piscale 35# Kate C 2 + 15 piscale Missy 2+13 piscale 45# Subhan 3 +275 meters air squat muscle snatch Mike S 2+20 piscale 53#
Mel W 3 + 41 rx
9:30 Cate 3 + 2 scaled pistols Aimee 3+175 M 30/20/10 pistols Dana H 3 + 380 rx Em G 3 + 38 M 55# band pistols
nooner Pete 3 + 58 m piscale Rich A 3+36 rx Pam G 3 + 46meters rx Meg D 3 60#/piscale Mark S 3+200 m 95 piscale Geoff 3 + 1 10 dbsnatch 10 db ohs 20/20/10 pistols to ball
4:30 Lauren 3+433 65#, ROM Joe S.3 ROM Erin 3+24 RX GregA. 2+ 43 RX Julia 2+337 RX Meg 0. 4+237 RX Erika 3+24 55#ROM Will 3+256 75# ROM Alex 7u 3 65# 1 in plate
5:30 Gia 3 75AFS, ROM Seth 3 95#, ROM Baez 2+38 Ski, push-ups, push jerk Rebecca 2+ 45 ROM Max 2+520 35# R0M Lil D. 27525 CO# ROM Erini 3+297 45+ROM
The thoughts and ideas expressed on this blog and the comments are just that (thoughts and ideas to spur conversation, debate and community). CrossFit KoP and the Coaches associated with it provide information that is of general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. None of the information or services provided by CrossFit King of Prussia is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any specific health or medical condition that maybe had. The information and services provided by are not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice.
6 am
Larissa 2+44 piscale 35#
Kate C 2 + 15 piscale
Missy 2+13 piscale 45#
Subhan 3 +275 meters air squat muscle snatch
Mike S 2+20 piscale 53#
Mel W 3 + 41 rx
Cate 3 + 2 scaled pistols
Aimee 3+175 M 30/20/10 pistols
Dana H 3 + 380 rx
Em G 3 + 38 M 55# band pistols
Pete 3 + 58 m piscale
Rich A 3+36 rx
Pam G 3 + 46meters rx
Meg D 3 60#/piscale
Mark S 3+200 m 95 piscale
Geoff 3 + 1 10 dbsnatch 10 db ohs 20/20/10 pistols to ball
Jamie 3+250m Rx
Danielle 3+500+17 pistols, 20 pistols each rd
Lauren 3+433 65#, ROM
Joe S.3 ROM
Erin 3+24 RX
GregA. 2+ 43 RX
Julia 2+337 RX
Meg 0. 4+237 RX
Erika 3+24 55#ROM
Will 3+256 75# ROM
Alex 7u 3 65# 1 in plate
Gia 3 75AFS, ROM
Seth 3 95#, ROM
Baez 2+38 Ski, push-ups, push jerk
Rebecca 2+ 45 ROM
Max 2+520 35# R0M
Lil D. 27525 CO# ROM
Erini 3+297 45+ROM
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