
W.O.D. 6.26.15


 ladies lunch...

Overhead Squat


"Ab Destroyer"
7 Minute AMRAP
7 Overhead Squats (use about 50% of 1 RM)
7 Toes to Bar
7 GHD Sit-Ups

Community Notes:
We are hosting an Olympic Lifting Meet (The Bridgeport Barbell Club Classic) all day on Sunday June 28th. Please stop by and spectate and watch the awesome lifters. Especially CrossFit KoP athletes, Keith, Marisa, Shawna, Faby, Christine, Laura A, Luke and Aimee.

It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves in finding themselves.
-Andre Gide


Anonymous said...

Dave N 225PR
Rachel W 175PR
Brian H 225BS, :)
Theresa 95PR, 4
Mike S 115PR, 2+19 Sc
Jon P 180PR 5+10 @95#

Rob C 115, 3 @ 55sc
King 165, 4+7 @85
Mark C 175PR 4+5 @85
LP 135PR, :)
Alex 165, 5@85

Aimee Lyons said...

Rich P 100# (4 sc)
Jill H 80# (3+7 sc)
Jackie 125# (3 + 7 sc)
Heather 30# (3)
Chris T 80# :)
Jonathan 85# (4+7sc)
Gigi 15# :)

Aimee Lyons said...

Pam 113 (4+7)
Marci 160 BS (3 + 8) sc
Erika 80 (2rds 3.5 mins)
Regi 170 (3+14)
Denise 93 (4)
Aubrey 55 (3)
Dana 95 (4 +12)