
W.O.D. 6.12.15

Glamor shots?
Well...it is hot!

5 Rounds for time of:
200 Meter Run
20 Dumbbell Snatch (45/70#) (alternating)
1 Rope Climb

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
― George Carlin


Anonymous said...

Jill C 19:26 25#
Brian H 16:27 45#/RP
Theresa 16"20 25#

Rich A 24:30RX
LP 19:07RX
Jeff B 24:34 RX
Alex 16:50 45#
Mike R 24:36 30#/RP
king 20:34 55#

Congrats to Jeff who faced a fear today and did the whole workout with full climbs for the very first time!!

Aimee Lyons said...

9:30 AM
Sarah 18:16 #12 2 pulls
Barbara C 22:54 10#
Diane 20:02 35# 2 pulls
Jimmy 24:18 Rx
Jill H 18:21 25# pulls
Jonathan 18:16 35#
Jackie 20:20 35# attempts
Lindsay 16:32 20# rope pulls
Ben 23:07 45#
Barb 16:40 aridyne 20# rope attempts
Eileen 17:42 15# pulls

King said...

KOPr's I will start with - this was an awesome workout. I will also let you know it was freaken hot. At 7am is was about 80 degrees, I got really dizzy a couple times - I was well hydrated and had eaten one hour prior so I do not think that was the issue, it was the heat and humidity. I am sure the coaches will preach this as well. Be hydrated today!

Aimee Lyons said...

12:15 express
Denise 16:10 20#
Pam 16:04 Rx
Erika 16:42 25#
Scott 19:38 45#
Dana 18:16 25#

Keith B said...


Pete 19:13 Rx
Jenna 15:50 20# RS
Chris 19:42 35# RS


Anne Br 19:29 20#
Laura A 16:31 35#
Patrick 16:52 50#
Roman 13:45 45#


Ellie 17:23 25#
Giulz 20:44 35#
Derreck 25:58 Rx
Brian 20:30 35# RS
Ray 12:46 50#
Shawna 22:45 25#
Ryan 16:33 50#
Alona 19:08 35#
Jen S 16:50 25# RS
Raj 21:42 25# RS


Tatiana 18:28 15# RS
Michal 18:24 35#