
W.O.D. 6.15.15

6 Rounds of:
Run 400 Meters
Rest 90 seconds between efforts

 Score will be total time not including the rest after the 6th effort. 

Community Notes:
Join us tonight at 5:30PM for Boot Camp.

The Handstand Push-up Clinic is at 6:30PM tonight.  Members are FREE for the clinic, $25 for non-members.

"Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony."
-Thomas Merton


Aimee Lyons said...


King 16:01
Shane 15:50
Mike S 17:12
Theresa 16:45
Jessica 20:30
Brian 19:50
Shari 16:46

Jeff B 17:26

Nick 16:48
David 19:05
Darcy 18:58
Barb 21:35 Row 500
Jill A 19:47
Jill H 19:12
Eileen 19:05
Jackie 19:52
Heather 20:02

CFKOP iPad said...

Jonathan 17:24
Pam 16:00

CFKOP iPad said...

Chris m 19:33 row
Brent 21:24 row

Anonymous said...

Some PRs, record board times and fastest time of the day!
Conn 17:09
Borden 17:37
Deb (from elizabethtown) 17:28
Nick C 15:42
Ashley m 21:53
Christine w 25:09
rachel 17:46
Michal 17:46

Aimee Lyons said...

Chris M 19:33 row
Brent 21:24 row

Bob ??? what was your time?
Jenna 19:30
Ray 16:00
Olan 17:50
Brian 18:12
Regi 18:20
Mike M 20:23
Maddy 20:24

Aimee Lyons said...

Kudos to Laura A for a 1:16 400, Michal for a 1:13 400 and Olan for a 1:10 400...lets get you all to the track soon for a real throwdown...Olan...what time works for you?

CFKOP iPad said...

Josh p. 16:02
Laura A. 15:53
Silver fox 16:53