
W.O.D. 6.22.15

 boot camp
muscle up clinic


for time
400 meter body weight sled pull

Community Notes:
Join us at 5:30PM for Boot Camp and then at 6:30PM tonight for our last installment of the Gymnastics Clinics, The Muscle Up!
FREE for members or $25 for non-members.

There is FREE babysitting at 6:30PM every Monday. 

"Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm."
-Abraham Lincoln


Aimee Lyons said...

Theresa 145# PR 6:39
King 215 4:18 Rx
Lindsey 175
Jill A form 8:09 rx
Jill H 195 8:56 @ 165
Jackie 270 PR 8:30 @ 165#
Jonathan 275 (7:57 Rx)
Nick 275 6:09 Rx
Darcy 150 (9:25 @ 160)
Heather 83 (8:26 @ 135)
Barb 195 (11:00 @ 165)

CFKOP iPad said...

Erika 160pr (more than old 1rm) 9:55rx
Tim h 365 8:26 Rx
Marci 215pr 8:51 200m prowler+95
Fayth 195 8:00@130
Pam 205, 6:23rx
Scott 365 14:36rx
Jenna 225pr 10:37rx

CFKOP iPad said...

Anne 133 pr!! 8:11 @ 115#
Chris m 325 pr 8:28 @200#
Erik F 300 pr! 8:28 Rx

Anonymous said...

Prithvi form, 7:49@140#
Conn 275, 6:10rx
Dave N 355, 7:32rx
Matt B 375, 8:43rx
Jim 335, 8:19rx

Aimee Lyons said...

4:30 crew...
Regi 185/ 8:13 rx
Jill C 220 PR! 6:05 rx
Roman 285 5:06 rx
Justin R 315 ( no shoes )
Trentasaurus 295 5:21 rx
Ryan 275 6:16 rx
JZ 245 (7:55 rx)

CFKOP iPad said...

Marisa 5:30pm

Mike z. 255/7:53 Rx
Steph v 345/-:--
Christine s. 265/4:08 (200m)
Jason I. 315/6:51 Rx
Laura a. 195/6:15 Rx
Taryn L. 215/9:15 Rx
Ben t. 305/8:30 Rx
Alex L. 275/5:00 Rx