
W.O.D. 4.27.15

In honor of Navy Chief Petty Officer Mark Carter, 27, of Virginia Beach, VA who was killed in Iraq.  

"Badger" -- Test Day- Record Results
 Complete three rounds for time of: 
65/95 pound Squat clean, 30 reps 
30 Pull-ups 
Run 800 meters

Community Notes and Reminders:
Stronger.Faster.Healthier will be sampling product today, Monday 4.27 from 4:30-7:30PM.

Coach Paul will be hosting a special Mobility Class on Tuesday, 4.28 at 5:30PM.

The CFKoP Prom is on Friday, 5/1 from 8:00PM on...All members are welcome, you do not need a date to attend. Join us for fun, socialization and dancing.

OPEN gym, Sunday, 5/3 from 11:00AM-1:00PM.

"Americans have been conditioned to respect newness, whatever it costs them." 
- John Updike


 Thanks to Stronger. Faster. Healthier for coming to sample tonight!



Miranda said...

King 33:45 RX
Justin D 38:37 scale
Brian 42:48 scale
Ninja 21:10 2 rounds rx
Jeff 31:55 RX
Nick 34:16 75#

Anonymous said...


Aimee Lyons said...

Heather 37:00 (15 reps/band/row/run)
Barb 37:22 (35#)
Manisha 36:34 RR/35#
Jill A 41:58 Rx
Jill H 42:48 55#/band
Jackie 38:49 65#/RR
Meggan 26:10 (1/2) 35#
Eileen 27:40 (1/2 reps/800Mrun)
Darcy 37:53 35#/band

Aimee Lyons said...

Josh 33:30 Rx
Jonathan 36:16 rx
Chris M 25:ish (15/15/500M Row 15#)-first class! congrats!
Rebecca 45:88 55/35 band
Justin R 30:40 2 rds rx
Troy 34:32 53/2rds/band
Olan 43:22 Rx
Rich 30:23 Rx
Ly 32:19 2 rds
Jill C 45:20 rx
Genevieve 23:19 35/blk band
Mike Z 37:30 20/15/65# band
Alona 42:04 Rx
Jen S 37:54 45/band
Keith B 36:20 Rx
Ryan S 40:30 Rx
Shawna 34:40 2 rds (65/55/45)
MIke M 30:?? (75 Hpc)
Silver Fox 38:38 75#
Giulia 35:32 rx! PR!!!

Anonymous said...

Conn 34:23 15 squat cleans, 75#
Ashley 33:55, 15 reps, 35#, rr
Christine 30:50, 15 reps, 35#, rr
Cline 37:25 65#
Borden 39:27 rx
Jessica 38:33 35#, rr
Jimmy 40:37 rx
Dave 43:46 rx
Michal 37:25 rx
Rachel 37:42 rx
Steph 35:29 45#

Anonymous said...

alex 39:22rx
tatiana 18:05 1/2 40#hang, Bnd
Eric e 18:59 1/2 65#/bnd
Erika 18:38 1/2 45#, ROM