Crossfit KOP Rock Climbing
Monday, November 22nd- 6-8pm
Philadelphia Rock Gyms- Oaks click here for directions
Join our group of KoPers for rock climbing! Cost is $20 (please bring cash)
Family and Friends (kids too) are welcome. Who's in??? RSVP to stephanie@radicalhateloss.com by 3pm on the day of the field trip!
This is who is signed up so far!
Dorothy +1
Stephanie +3
Karen L.
Kim G.
Jen Fugo +1
Maura +3 CrossfitDelValians
feel free to RSVP to this post instead of emailing me.
um, is that a guy with a prosthetic leg AND a gas mask on??
this is gonna be so fun. now the question is: prior- to WOD, or not to WOD?
I guess it depends on the wod, but I don't think I will.
Chris- Lol on the photo- Aimee spent the first night at home with Chloe so she gets a free pass on missing the details today!!
Charles- yay!
P- just to show rock climbing is for anyone!!
Yep! Plentus, photo's from a study a few years ago where researchers were investigating how the body works while using various prosthetic devices to rock climb. The mask measures the amount of oxygen he exhales, which is helps them determine how much effort he exerts (or something like that).
Anyone ever heard of Aron Ralston? This reminded me of him. He's probably one of the best known climbers who uses a prosthetic, and the story of how he lost his arm is really fascinating. If you ever need some extra inspiration, look it up. There's some pretty incredible people out there!
awesome background Shoe! also, very cool for you to sign off as "Shoe." Oh the irony...
I will need to be a game time decision (right now I have a bride scheduled) but I can see if I can re-arrange her to later in the week - I have been wanting to do this for a while.
No problem cc! Just text me when u know :)
Thanks for the info shoe!
I will also be a game time decision...Prob won't know til Friday.
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