
W.O.D. 10.5.10

Squat cleans (95#/135#)
Ring Rows

CrossFit Kids:
The 7-12 year old CrossFit Kids "bears" class is back in session today from 3:30-4:30PM. Click here for the flyer to read more information.


“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”
- T.S. Eliot


Cate 12:19
Deb 26:07
Aimee 15:25
Hannah 15:49
Nikki 12:39 +13" box
Jason W. 11:03 +13" box
Plentus 11:37 +13" box
Shawn 14:51
Jim C. 18:55
Danny 11:34
Mike B. 13:20

Chris T. 17:00 (65#)
Kara 12:00 (53#)
Dianne 16:19 (50#)
Pete 13:10 (95#)
Donkey 17:54 (80#)
Tim G. 16:56 (115#)
Denise 15:20 (45#)
Karen 12:37 (53#)
Dorothy 15:15 (80#)
Jeff 12:41 (115#)
Rachel 16:10 (65#)
Kim G. 14:45 (45#)
JZ 14:48 (105#)
Nicole St. 15:18 (35#)
Tim H. 18:07 (95#)
Olan 17:44 (125#)
Jason Bu. 14:50 (115#)
Laura 23:40 (85#/70#)
Melinda 21:30 (85#)
Kristen S. 13:32 (65#)
Jay E. 13:41 (135#) damn close
Sam 10:47 (115#)
Charles 13:40 (45#)
Kristy 14:54 (35#)
Lisa 12:08 (50#)


Mike F said...

Did this one at school today and subbed dips for ring rows. 15:24.

Dorothy said...

Damn Deb!