A stocky muscular carnivore, with a reputation for ferocity, strength and speed...
W.O.D. 10.29.10
6 Rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerks 135#/95#
20 Pull-ups
100 Sit-ups
1 Lyons Loop Run (approx 600M)
or the...
4 Rounds for time of:
10 Clean and Jerks 95#/65#
20 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
400M Run
For the evening classes (4:30/5:30/6:30) we will run a staggered start for this WOD, giving you the opportunity to finish in the necessary time. The coaches will run a coordinated warm up at the beginning of each class. But you are welcome to roll through if you know you will need extra time or start on an as needed basis. Counters encouraged due to the high rep count.
Happy Birthday Maura! Enjoy your day!
Eat, drink and be scary.
-Author Unknown
You are welcome to dress up in Halloween costumes for this wod, like last year!
The cubs awoke hungry early this morning and set the bar.
Fierce effort to stick thru this endurance session, nice work.
Wolverine Cub
Bekah 30:02 53#
Meghann 47:43 63#
Lindsey 43:47 65#
Pat 45:59
Steve Z row 38:33 65#
Todd 33:50 (row)
I better see peeps in costume! TGIF Happy Birthday Maura!! Enjoy your day
I'll be there at 4:30 - I will be doing a shoulder-less Wolverine, looking on the main site for some ideas to sub for the cleans and the pull ups - thinking box jumps and air squats or something like that.
CC - can you clean but not jerk, or can you not even clean? is this a rotator cuff injury?
Happy birthday Maura! You bring a great attitude to the box, hope your day is a great one!
A new blog post:
I have the wolverine picture on my desktop. I think it's freaking people out here...Happy Halloween everyone!
Thank you! I was trying to get there today but I think if anyone had to do birthday burpees and this wod they would kick me out.. lol..
Anyone know of the closest box to Quakertown?
Miranda - I'm so bummed I'm going to miss you in costume this year. Last year's was fantastic! Someone better take pictures.
Noon Class results!
Our first 2 Wolveriners for the day are Donkey and Olan
These guys had the "luxury" of time and were allowed to finish out the wod. Tonight keep in mind we will have to cap the wods in order to fit in all the classes and overlaps. The wolverine cub is a true challenge in itself so don't be ashamed to accept it.
Olan 82:24
Donkey 1:43:31sec
Cate 34:05 (3 Rounds only)
Denise 40:42 45#
Dorothy 43:09, 95#, 600m run
Kristen S 37:29
Katie D 39:31
I really want to do this WOD but had to be in Happy Valley first thing this morning....is there an opprtunity to do this another date or when will the next time this WOD will be prescribed?
5:30 Wolverines
Steph V. 38:19 (95#)
Hannah 49:02 (105#)
Dana 36:53 (45#)
Melinda 31:18 (65/75)
Kim G. 43:06 (55#/row)
Sandy 37:09 (45#)
Lisa 30:40 (35#, half pu/su)
Gina 36:20 (45#)
Jen N 38:40 (45#)
Wendy 38:38 (45#)
Great work folks, this is a crazy wod that is only scheduled once a year for a reason. - P. Lentus
4:30/5:30/6:30 WOLVERINES
Mike Fab 88:06
Mike V 58:56
Vinny 73:07
Plentus 62:26
Timmy P 57:06
Laura P 62:15
Jerry 78:26
Jen S 70:24
Sam B 51:38
Tim G 58:20 (4rds+10C&J)
Jay E 57:05 (4rds)
Nikki 26:47 (Men's Rx)
Gabe 33:48 (75, 600m runs)
Bevin 30:56 (55, row)
Dianne 41:15 (35, row)
Shoeless 48:29 (Rx)
Brian 30:51 (Rx)
Vincent 29:41 (Rx)
Katie 40:59 (45)
Tim H 40:03 (3rds, row)
Miranda 41:17 (Men's Rx)
Rob P 34:40 (Rx+, 135)
Chris Bell 45:08 (Rx)
Kristin T 37:26 (55)
Sheng Ching 44:57 (55)
Charles 37:43 (55)
Ditty's Original "WOLVERINA"
(6rds: 65#, 1/2 reps PU & SU, 600m run)
CC's Original "The Squirrel"
(4rds: 10 BJ, 20 squats, 50 situps, 400m run)
Just for the record - BJ is box jump. Didn't want anyone to think any less of me.
CC, you are a trip! I was thinking what you thought I was thinking.
I was going to suggest a career change CC...40 bj's in 22 mins!
C.C & Donk I was thinking what ya'll were thinking! Rob P thought my costume was either a hooker, flower girl or a PIMP! Lol
Steph thanks for dressing up!
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