
W.O.D. 8.30.16

San Francisco Crippler
For time:
30 Back Squats (155/225#)
1000 Meter Row

(Coaches Note: The barbell can be taken from the rack)

Cash out:
3 attempts for set of for Max Pull-ups
(Any style pull-ups are allowed, work your weakness)

"The best way out is always through."
-Robert Frost


Jenna said...

Julie R 10:12 (125)
Jeff 6:33 (155)
Mike Sim 7:08 (185)
Mike Sa 9:19 (125)
Laura A 7:32 (125)
Kevin 6:28 (155)
Manisha 9:25 (85)
Katie 9:35 (63)

Angelo 7:11 (185)

CFKOP iPad said...

Tim h 7:18 185#
Joe m 8:14 115
Pam G 7:50 135#
Meredith 8:16 95#
Ryan S 7:00 155#
Rob C 7:48 Rx
Aimee 6:57 Rx
Jason L 7:37 Rx

CFKOP iPad said...

Jodilee 7:40 75#
Terry 7:35 53#
Pam V 9:13 15# 500m row

Anonymous said...

jackie 9:08Rx, 6
mary 9:08 85, 1
kevin h 7:45 195, 12
Rakia 9:00 93, 3 grn bnd
DD 8:09 125, 17
Jill Hi 8:57 125, 3

CFKOP iPad said...

Alan 8:37 75, 40s plank
Oscar 9:42rx
Lindsey 8:00 105, 4
Rachel 6:19rx, 8
Mike c 6:54 115, 15

Rachel Spring said...

Michael R 6:22 (114#) , 12
Bryan 7:06 (75#) , 5
Nicole 8:23 (85#)
Matt E 6:41 (165#) , 12 PR!
Neil 6:50 (185#) , 5 PR!

Jason Lyons said...

Maggie: 8:33 (rx) - 32 butterfly
Rich A: 6:07 (rx) - 8 strict
Jill A: 7:29 (rx) - 15 butterfly
Justin H: 6:21 (185#) - 15 kipping
Matt C: 7:37 (185#) - 22 kipping
Jessie S: 8:56 (103#) - ?
Dr. Intensity: 10:08 (185#) - 3 strict
Karen: 8:23 (125#) - :)
Mike M: 8:45 (115#) - 10 kipping

Rita: 8:07 (83#) - 6 ring rows
Keith: 6:09 (rx) - 4 butterfly
Alicia: 6:25 (93#) - 4-1 kipping
Shawna: 9:59 (105#) - 3 banded strict
Remer: 6:46 (135#) - 3 strict
Mike F: 8:05 (205#) - 3 strict
Mark S: 6:34 (155#) - 1 butterfly
Flounder: 7:46 (115#) - 3 banded strict
Ashley: 8:36 (115#) - 3 kipping