
W.O.D. 11.17.21

Strict Press
10 HEAVY singles


1000 Meter Row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pull-ups

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
– Thomas A. Edison


Aimee Lyons said...

6 AM
Megs 75 10:39 rx
Sam 185 6:35 rx
Elizabeth 103 8:27 rx
Kate C 95 11:11 rx
Subhan 135 9:16 rx
Julia 80 11:43 rx

Dana H 115 9:50 rx
Jackie H 105 9:51 (pp 45#)
Mary H 85 PR 10:19 PP 45$ RR
Gordy 115 9:29 rx
Evan 115 10:39 15# DB 10 pullups

Hannah 105 7:49 rx pr board!!
Ryan S 115 7:42 rx
Olan 145 10:18 rx
Max 125 10:29 rx
Jess 75 5:59 rx
Geoff 110 9:30 run

Aimee Lyons said...

Kristen 90 12:01 band
Jeff P 165 PR 6:19 Rx
Alex Tu 127.5 10.16 rx
Erin 85 8:05 rx
Laura S 70 13:40 rom
Will 105 11:46 band
Remer (shoulder rehab) 8:06 rx

CFKOP iPad said...

Sean 185 5:43rx board!
Danielle 90 9:01rx

Taylor W said...

Joe s 155 7:53 RX
Randy 115 8:50 Rx
Gia 85 10:32 RX
Leah 60 14:05 RX
Danielle C 75 11:30 RX
Keith 125 ;)
Kristi 45 9:49 15# RR
Baez 145 7:54 RX

seth 170 12:40 RR
Freaky G 75 9:49 RX
Steph 70 12:49 RX

Aimee Lyons said...

Aime 92.4 8:53 rx

Aimee Lyons said...

Rich A 185 5:58 rx