
W.O.D. 6.24.19

For time:
5 Rope Climbs (20 ft)
30 DB Clean and Jerks (all 4 corners touch the ground)
4 Rope Climbs (20ft)
30 DB Push Press
3 Rope Climbs (20ft)
60 DB Snatch (alternating L/R)

(Women use 35# Dumbbells and Men use 50# Dumbbells)

"Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life." 
- Joel Osteen


Danielle Gambone said...

Laura 14:13,#30,15ft
John 18:30,#35,5@20ft,7@15ft
Larissa 15:50,#20,3,2,1@15ft
Anna 16:40,#15,rope pulls

Jenna said...

Aimee 18:33 rx
Cate 24:56 rx
Seth 15:00 sc
Luke 16:38 (25#, 3/2/1 rca)
Mary h 14:16 (15#, 3 total and some att)
Jackie 14:54 (20#, 3/2/1 rc to 15’)
Delaney 11:02 (15#, foot wraps)

Stephanie Vincent said...

Manisha 15:31 20/15ft
Alicia 14:56 25/15ft
Steph C 14:54 20/15ft

1pm Masters (Rope Climbs=2/2/2)
Eileen 11:30 RCA/12 (1st 10ft!)
Laurie 11:10 RCA/15
Ina 12:04 RCA/ Clean, Squat, KBS(15/35)
Terry 13:58 15
Anne B 11:34 10ft/15
John B 16:14 20
Joe D 14:34 rca/25

Jenna 29:02rx
Gordy 18:22 15ft/35

Manisha said...

Jamie Sp 21:01 3@20ft/9@15ft
Mike San 29:29 30#
Christine R 20:59 25#/15ft
Anthony D 21:49 30#
Holly F 18:0925#/2Pulls
Sean S 20:42 Rx
Kevin B 20:22 40#

Chip 19:00 35#/15ft
Yex 18:11 15ft/25#
Jeremy D 23:10 45#
Sean M 17:56 Rx
Ellie P 22:10 25#/3-2-1 RC
Danielle G 20:28 15ft
Sam B 15:22 3pulls/each climb
Ben M 28:33 40/35#, 4RC to 15ft

Jenna said...

Barb B 14:38 (pulls, 15#)
Dave H 27:21 rx
John Mc 15:15 (1 climb, sa 40#)
Donna G 14;40 (25#, 3/2/1)
Micah 18:54 (3/2/1, 30#)
Roberto 20:18 (40#, 15')
Jill H 13:16 (3/2/1 to 15', 20#)

Natalie 9:21 (25#, hang rope pulls)
Karen M 20:38 (25#, 15')
Tommy 25:10 (30#, 20' for five, 15')
Keith 20:05 (35#, 15')
Tom 19:18 rx
Lily 17:46 (20#, 3/2/1 15')
Marissa 23:07 (15')

Farrah did work
Cory 21;39 rx
Erin 16:59 (15', 30#)
Erinn 16:09 (rp)
Andrew M 19:16 rx
Jeff P 20:35 rx
Sam F 19:30 (35#, 15')
Kevin H 17:32 (35#, 15')
Raj 17:24 (4/3/2 10', 30#)
Dan M 17:52 (35#, 1/2 at 20')
Colleen 19:39 (hg clean and jerks)

Stephanie Vincent said...

Subhan (110cal bike, single arm 1/2 reps 35#)
Ellie G 19:31 (1x 20' + 2x 15', 2x 15', 1x 20'; 20#)
Mike Roth 18:17 (3x 20' + 2x 15', 2x 20' + 2x 15', 1x 20' + 2x 15'; 35#)
Alex 19:33 (3x pulls, 2x pulls, 1x 15'; 25# from box)
Missy 17:53 (rope att; 20#)
Dave 23:32 (3, 2, 1x 20'; 35#)

Keith B said...


Laura 18:35 15 10' hang
Hasan 20:00 35 3to20'
Bahrgov 20:22 20 15'
Jess S 19:08 20
Cheri 18:11 20# 10'(3-2-1)
Michael C 19:34 30/15'
Tyler 19:15 Rx