
W.O.D. 10.3.17

EMOM for 10 Minutes:
Build to a 2 RM Thruster


2 Rounds for time:
20 Thrusters 65/95#
30 Box Jumps 20/24"
40 Deadlifts 65/95#
Run 400 Meters

Community Notes:
Join Coach Tim on the Upper Merion Track this Thursday at 5:30 PM for the last timed mile of the season!

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it."
-Maya Angelou


Jenna said...

Laura a 120/12:41 rx
Brittany 100/ 18:56 rx
Katie m 80/ 21:31 (55/35)
Laura s 95/ 14:30 rx
Mark spak 145/19:21 rx
Jeff 165/ 18:22 rx
Kevin 135/ 14:37 rx
Theresa 105/ 15:44
Cassandra 95/ 19:10 rx

Anna 70/ 16:31 (200m, 40, step up)
Gabby 45/ 21:15 (35, 45# plates (3) )
Joe c 165/ 20:25 rx
Kate k fs/ 16:20 (kb squat and dL, ass bike)

Anonymous said...

Kevin H 170(f) 18:16Rx
Jackie 165FS 10:06 FS/DL @85
Mary H 100PR! 17:54 @55
Edwin 165(f) 17:01Rx
Jon Pa 205(f) 18:17Rx
Lauren D 95(f)PR! 19:38Rx

Jackie Halpern said...

My time was 20:06! ;)

CFKOP iPad said...

Neil 205 PR! 17:21 Rx
John McH 145 23:36 Rx
Michael Roth 140 PR! 20:45 Rx
Ashley M 115 PR! 19:02 Rx
Dave 185 PR! 19:42 Rx
Kris 115 PR! 21:42 Rx
Heleen 100 PR! 20:33 Rx
Esra 105 PR! 21:51 Rx
Sasha 83 21:15 (35#, 1/2 step up)
Bryan 125 PR! 22:02 (75#)

Keith B said...


Sarah(VT) 123 13:45 Rx
Jill A 145 14:47 Rx
Aimee 140 12:12 Rx
Olan 145 19:20 Rx
Jess A 85 17:54 row 33
Donna 90 17:07 Rx
AMM 110 14:47 17"
Julie R 105 18:58 Rx
Noel 155 18:58 75
Manny 115 18:58 65
Josh Mc 175 17:18 rx


Raj 125 19:02 17"
Kate S 73 18:16 65
Adam 145 14:56 Rx
Alona 115 13:56 Rx
Alison K 65 18:09 13"
Angelo 195 11:28 Rx
Steph Mc 65 14:20 55 step up
Josh P 145 17:24 75
Alex Tu 65 19:12 45
Maraina 100 17:06 Rx
Remer 180 10:20 Rx

Anonymous said...

Giulia 115 13:32 Rx
Justin C 195PR 12:23 Rx
Brandon 155 ???
Mike Co 110 17:21 75
Danielle 120PR 13:00Rx
Sean S 170 19:09Rx
Nicole 95PR 18:17 55
Rob P 115 10:28 85
Lindsey 85 20:29 55
Caitlyn B 90 20:16Rx
Tia 115 22:22 Rx
Alexis 85PP 17:03 20BJ@17'/PP/Ski400
Josh S 165 21:53 Rx
Therese 85 23:09 35/17

Anonymous said...

Matt t 75 (rack) 15:56 65
Tim H 175 (rack) 7:01 1Rnd/halfreps/30calBike
Pam 140PR 11:49
Meredith 90PR 18:40 13"
Kate M 88 17:40 17step/55
Gia 80 18:44Rx
Mike Si 205 PR 13:27 400MSki
Karen M 105 18:43 17'
Pete D 145PR 16:36
Justin D 115 11:47 45/75 1 Rnd

Anonymous said...

John 93
Eileen 38
Terry 78

Partners Complete
40 Cal Row
60 Slam Balls
50 Situps
40 Pull ups
40 Cal Ski

John (15#/Band)/Terry (15#)/Eileen (10#/Band/Siamese)- 13:43