
W.O.D. 10.10.17

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
40 Wallballs (14/20 to 9/10ft)
30 Toes to Bar 
20 Power Cleans (95/135#)
10 Bar Muscle Ups

"If you knew how much work went into it, you wouldn't call it genius." 


Jenna said...

Laura s 1+81 (75/t2ba/jmua)
Kevin 1+89 (115/1.5 banded mu)
Jeff 1+85 (band)
Theresa 1+88 (band)
Mark spak 1+80 (115/jmu/13”)
Katie m 1+66 (10#/t2ba/75/pull up)
Danielle 2 (15 t2ba/jmua)

1+85 (10#/8’, sit ups, 45, rr)

Anonymous said...

Jackie 2+ 24 Vup/RR
Mary H 1+74 12/ROM/85/BndStrictPU
Nicole M 1+68 12/TTBA/75/BndStrictPU
Luis M 1+45 ROM/JBMU
Jill H 1+88 TTBA/BNDStrictPU

Tim H 1+30 TTBA/95/BndPU&BndRD
Nicole R 1+70 10/KR/65/BndStrictPU&BndRD
Matt T 1+42 ROM/95/JBMU
Kevin T 1"85 Vup/RD
Mike Si 2+23 Rx
Pam G 1+92Rx
Meredith 2+4 KR/85/StrictBndPU&BndRD
Kathleen Y 1+64 10/KR/RR&AsstRD

John b 1"86 14/vUp/75/bndPU
Eileen 2+7 6ROM/KR/35/BndPU
Terry J 1+80 10/TTBA/65/PU

Steph V 2 ROM/KR/BndStrictPU&AsstRD
Gordy 1+77 9'/115
Cate 1+91 Rx
Manisha 1+91 Vup/65/RR&RD

CFKOP iPad said...

Esra 1+52 (10 ttb, 85#, hip2bar)
Bryan Sp 1+79 (16# wb, 95#, bmu att)
Michael Roth 1+96 (115#, C2B)
Brian St 1+81 (hip2bar)
Erik 1+74 (18# wb, knee raises, 95#, C2B att)
Cline 1+58 (115#, C2B att)
Dave N 1+53 (C2B)

Keith B said...


Noel 1+77 105/pu
Jess A 4+39(1/2reps) 10/floor/75/rr
Jill A 2+29 Rx
Karen 1+90 t2brom/85/c2b
Olan 1+73 14/x/95/c2b
Julie 2+20 situps/80/pushups
Mike M 1+73 14/x/95/c2b
Lauren 1+60 85/pu
Alicica-Marie 1+50 Rx
Alex 1+70 12/65/pu
Dave 2 Rx
Raj 1+92 t2brom/pu
McHugh 1+44 t2brom/pu
Ina 1+75 10/rom/55/pua


Shawna 3+3(1/2reps) t2bfloor/pu
Laura A 1+90 Rx
Allison 1+90 BBMU
Rob C 1 c2b
Lindsey 1+61 65/pu
Steph C 1+87 65/jmu
Lucille 2+28 t2brom/55/band
Donna 2+32 twbrom/65/pu
Rich 2+18 Rx
Flounder 1+94 14/rom/75/pu
Matt E 1+63 c2b