
W.O.D. 7.31.16

Clean and Jerk 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 10 Minutes:
10 Calories Air Bike
10 Clean and Jerks (use 60% of your  1RM)
10 Toes to Bar

“Every living cell in your body is made from the food you eat. If you consistently eat junk food then you’ll have a junk body.”
~ Jeanette Jenkins

1 comment:

Rachel Spring said...

Kim 2+22 (85#, T2B Att)
Laura P 3 (120#)
Arin 3 (65#, T2B Att)

Erik 175; 2+25 (105#, knee raises)
Kevin 180 PR!; 2+20 (115#)
Anne 65; 2+8 (40#, knee raises)
Miss Jackson 95; 2+12 (65#)
Ben 169.4; 2+27 (100#)
Esra 85; 2+11 (53#, knee raises
Kyle 20 DB; 2+2 (Row/15# DB/Knee raises)

Sincerely, Rachel Spring's Secretary ;-)