

Happy Thanksgiving

CrossFit KoP is offering one class today at 8:00AM.

Our second annual "Amazing Race" will start promptly at 8:00 and last between 60-90 minutes.

This is a FREE class, friends and family are welcome and will form teams of three and compete against each other for bragging rights! Clues will be given at each stop and you will have a physical or mental task to complete prior to receiving the next clue and advancing. "Smart" phones are allowed.

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Kathleen said...

Thanks Steph for organizing the race today. That was a lot of fun. Thank you to everyone who volunteered too!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving All. Bummed I could not be there today. I am sure the race was a blast. Look forward to the pictures.
Be well.

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all who came out to CFKOP's second annual Thanksgiving Day Amazing Race!! A big thanks to our race helpers Miranda, Becca, Arin, and Paparazzi Lam.

Teams of three followed clues to different locations where they had to complete tasks both mental and physical.

Rules: 2 athletes working at a time. Teams can use smart phones for info and navigation.

1) CrossFit King of Prussia
Find the square footage of 10 gym mats, then complete that many kettle bell swings (choose weight according to level and ability). (Answer 240)

Clue: Your first stop is the grounds for the Italian Feast, held in Bridgeport every second weekend in July for 88 years. This yearly extravaganza benefits a house of worship that's name sounds like a mountain of beige confectionery product made by heating sugar.

2) Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (.47 Miles)
Complete this Thanksgiving logic problem ) correctly and then complete 100 Push Ups. http://www.teachervision.fen.com/tv/printables/TCR/3351_11.pdf

Clue: This is a great place to grab a paleo meal. Items on the menu include the southsider, hot honey ham melt, and a full feast platter. They'll also cut off your tie if you wear one! Look for a stone pig in the dessert.

3) The Bridgeport Rib House- 1049 Ford Street (.48miles)
"Solve this math problem correctly, and then do that many squats. 6!+(10^2)*4-970(Answer 150)

This location has to do with the most recent federal holiday. If you need cash, just cross catty-corner from this spot. CrossFit isn't the only place with big guns in Bridgeport.

4) Veteran's Memorial Park- Dekalb & 4th Streets (.50 miles)
Each team member must announce what they are thankful for and then complete 200 Sit-Ups.

Clue: A quote from Jane Austen: "The ____ ______ has a great charm at one point in our lives. When you have lived to my age, you will begin to think letters are never worth going through the rain for." P.S. A location Aimee avoids as much as possible!

5) Bridgeport Post Office -312 Mill Street (.19 miles)
"You have one minute to make as many words as possible from the words "CROSSFIT THANKSGIVING" For each word you find, subtract 1 from 100. You must do that many burpees.

Clue: On September 12th, 2009, a crew moved mats, bars and bumpers from point A to point B. The location of point A? Transaxle garage. Point B is where you're going.

6) CrossFit King of Prussia- 200 Dekalb Street (.17 miles)
In order to finish, your team must move 7,000lbs from the ground to overhead. You may use any weighted object(s) you choose. When you are finished you will receive a CrossFit Quiz. Time will stop when your quiz is completed and a you have passed with a score of at least 13/15.


King, Tidmore, & Megan (aka Mrs. Tidmore) 70:29
Team out of order- (Balmer, Mike T, Mike P) 54:45
Chip, Steph B, Oleg 66:38
Team Cary (Mark, Bobby & Jane C) 78:23
Team Anton (Roni, Cris, Jamison) 74:47
Keith H, Brian K, Bill F 71:57
Stacie, Ken, Rachel 74:47
Alona, Melissa, Kathleen 72:31
Steve Z, Peterson, Tim H 72:07
Jay, Lauren, Dinger 63:43
Team Follow Fab (Mike F, Ryan S, Erika) 70:26


Anonymous said...

P.S. Thanks to Coach P. for writing the clues and giving you those math problems to solve :-)

Anonymous said...
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Mark C said...

@ Steph & Lam - I am not worthy! Some actuary I am!

Thanks to Steph and all the volunteers. My family had a good time and we are replacing all calories burned (and storing some for later) as I speak!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Peterson said...

That was a great time today. Happy turkey day!