
W.O.D. 12.12.11

Slider fun - and NO we aren't talking about Cheeseburgers!

Welcome to Steve P!

"Drive those knees out Travis..."
...and nice 20# PR today!

Overhead Squat

3 Rounds not for time:
20 GHD Sit-ups
2 Rope Climbs

Mobility Monday:
Shoulders. We'll use PNF stretches, barbells, lacrosse balls and PVC to increase range of motion in the shoulders and achieve a better overhead position. The idea is to work the internal and external rotation of the shoulders to get to a higher load held overhead and faster transitions during olympic lifts. Bring your "hot spots" and questions. Meet Jeff at 5:30PM & 6:30PM.

Workshop reminder:
How to Get Big…Gain Muscle Workshop, Monday 12/12 at 7:30PM
Cost is $10 for Crossfit KoP Members. $15 for Guests.

This session isn’t just for men. Come to the workshop and learn what you can do with both your diet and your training to encourage an increase in muscle mass. We will review guidance on what to eat and when to promote maximum muscle growth, how to train and how much training volume you should be doing, and go over what you may be doing that’s preventing you from gaining muscle as quickly as you would like. This applies to both ladies and men, and trust me ladies you won’t get super big muscles unless you add testosterone (aka steroids) so don’t be afraid to learn how you can gain some muscle mass naturally too!

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”
-John Quincy Adams


Lee - Ouchie
Bekah - 105
Mike P - 115 PR
J. King - 115 PR
Mark - 115 PR
Rhonda 30
Beth 85 - BIG PR
Susan 80
Jordan 45
Mike W 45
Sarah W form 20#
Kara 53
Meg form
Travis 135
Tamas 85
Jackie 60
Steve P. 35
Keith 205
Dan form
Diego 63
Katie V. 95 PR
Gabe form
Ken 110 PR
Dorothy 127.5
Joe C. 115
JZ 155 PR
Kate 110 PR
Jess 65
Ben 110
Jay E 225
Mel 103 PR
Fish 135
Megs 85
Sean 105
DeeDee 85
Sandy 80
Tim P. 200
Katie FM 75
LP 110 PR
Shawn 155
Vinny 205
Kristin Pl. 105
Miranda 130
Alison 105
Heather 25
Katie K ???
Dan 105 PR
Justin 155 PR
Tidmore 115 PR
Conn 155 PR
Tim Henn 95
Shoeless 185
Borden 115
Randy 115
Giovanni 110
Schell 165 BigPR
Jerry 135 x 3Form


Jen s said...

Dear xfit family I miss you. I am traveling quite a bit these days and am turning into a xfit nomad. No matter what kop will always be my home. can't wait to get back to the box!

Dorothy said...

We love you too Jen. Happy travels. Follow your dreams

Laura Pappas said...


Lots of PRs this morning in the not as cold as we thought it would be gym! Guess what the magic number was for our class :)

Lee - Ouchie
Bekah - 105
Mike P - 115 PR
J. King - 115 PR
Mark - 115 PR

Congrats to John too for his first time up the rope!

Mike P said...

. . . . share the badassery, Jen. Hope to see you soon.

Tim P said...

630pm Results

Kristin Pl. 105
Miranda 130
Alison 105
Heather 25
Katie K ???
Dan 105 PR
Justin 155 PR
Tidmore 115 PR
Conn 155 PR
Tim Henn 95
Shoeless 185
Borden 115
Randy 115
Giovanni 110
Schell 165 BigPR
Jerry 135x3Form

Kate Kenny said...

Oopsy: Kate K 73

Jon Schell said...

I checked my records and the 165# OHS I did was a 60# PR. Jeff has been helping me work my shoulder flexibility and this is the end result of a lot of grimacing. If any of you have shoulder mobility issues, I'd recommend letting Jeff torture... I mean HELP... you.