CrossFit across the Globe.
In New Zealand, Paul met up with his friend Janna- Coincidentally, they both showed up in CrossFit shirts, neither knew the other did CrossFit! Janna does CrossFit at MyCrossFit in New Zealand and Paul joins us twice a week at our 6:30PM classes (and lives in Chicago)!!
Buy in:
Complete 30 reps of Bench press at 60% of your Body Weight
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Two fer Wall Balls (14#/20#)
15 Double Unders
Cash out:
Max plank hold
“The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything”
-Albert Einstein
AMRAP Results:
Joe A. 2 (Rx)
Kim G. 3 (4#/Blk)
Tim G. 3 (Rx)
Steph V. 4 (14#/floss)
Pooch 5 (6#/green)
Jay E. 3 (20#)
Tom S. 3 (20#)
Jeff 4 (Rx)
Dorothy 5 (6#)
Olan 5 (Rx)
Sara B. 5 (8#)
Brie 6 (6#)
Tony 5 (Rx)
Jeniffer 5 (4#/floss)
Sharon 3 (4/12#)
Sarah S. 8 (5 bj, 10 OH KBsquat, 45 singles)
Plank Hold:
Joe A. 4:04
Kim G. 1:02
Tim G. 1:50
Steph V. 1:01
Pooch 1:05
Jay E. 1:28
Tom S. 1:02
Jeff 2:13
Dorothy 2:23
Olan 2:04
Sara B. 1:06
Brie 2:30
Tony 6:00
Jennifer 4:23
Sharon 1:30
Sarah S. 1:30
Kim G - Battle 2 "fer" Wallball
Pooch on the rope!
In New Zealand, Paul met up with his friend Janna- Coincidentally, they both showed up in CrossFit shirts, neither knew the other did CrossFit! Janna does CrossFit at MyCrossFit in New Zealand and Paul joins us twice a week at our 6:30PM classes (and lives in Chicago)!!
Buy in:
Complete 30 reps of Bench press at 60% of your Body Weight
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Two fer Wall Balls (14#/20#)
15 Double Unders
Cash out:
Max plank hold
“The world is not dangerous because of those who do harm but because of those who look at it without doing anything”
-Albert Einstein
AMRAP Results:
Joe A. 2 (Rx)
Kim G. 3 (4#/Blk)
Tim G. 3 (Rx)
Steph V. 4 (14#/floss)
Pooch 5 (6#/green)
Jay E. 3 (20#)
Tom S. 3 (20#)
Jeff 4 (Rx)
Dorothy 5 (6#)
Olan 5 (Rx)
Sara B. 5 (8#)
Brie 6 (6#)
Tony 5 (Rx)
Jeniffer 5 (4#/floss)
Sharon 3 (4/12#)
Sarah S. 8 (5 bj, 10 OH KBsquat, 45 singles)
Plank Hold:
Joe A. 4:04
Kim G. 1:02
Tim G. 1:50
Steph V. 1:01
Pooch 1:05
Jay E. 1:28
Tom S. 1:02
Jeff 2:13
Dorothy 2:23
Olan 2:04
Sara B. 1:06
Brie 2:30
Tony 6:00
Jennifer 4:23
Sharon 1:30
Sarah S. 1:30

Great story Paul! Nice working with you yesterday.
Paul that's cool that your kiwi friend crossfits too. And I had no idea you were from Chicago, thanks for working out with us during the week.
What's a two fer wall ball? Does that mean every time you go over the line it counts for two? Yay! That sounds like a deal.
But seriously, yesterday I was thinking "well at least we haven't done wall balls in awhile. I hate those." Aimee, stop reading my thoughts.
ahahaha Dorothy- A two fer wall ball is a normal wall ball where that you must air squat again between reps (therefore in the time before the ball comes back down).
The 6AM 2"fers" are professionals now, they can tell you all about it...Joe, Jay, Kim, Tim, Tom, Steph & Pooch-great perseverance on the 2 "fer" wall balls!
Kim G. put up a tough battle with her wall ball today! Next time you will conquer it!
Kim G = 0 2 fer Wall Ball =1
Haha I'm just glad I made it out alive! Add that to the skills I need to practice.
oh my! That's even worse than I imagined. I figured you could do an extra squat while holding the ball.
Go for a ball that you can hit the ceiling with - that'll give you plenty of time to get that 2nd squat in :)
Ohhh man! I don't think we ever did 2 fers when I was at xfitkop? I'm tryin today after work though, wish me some luck!!
Glad you guys enjoyed the NZ story! Wish I could be there today to try some of these nasty lookin' two fers. Unfortunately, I've got a flight to catch.
TrishaLou we miss you!
TrishaLou where are you?
Let us know how the 2-fers go!!!
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