
W.O.D. 1.1.10

"Happy New Year"

CrossFit King of Prussia is CLOSED

Rest Day...rejuvenate for the new year!

Post to comments:
Any resolutions?

"A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one Year and out the other."
-Aimee Lyons


New Years Eve 1907

W.O.D. 12.31.09

All members are welcome!

After/during open gym, we welcome everyone to hang around for a bit just to enjoy each others company and reflect on all of the progress that we have made throughout the year. We would like to treat the open gym as a sort of "PR Party". We saw the idea for this on Evolve Your Fitness and thought it would be great to bring to each of you.

PR Party:
The objective of a PR party is for everyone to set at least one final PR as we close out 2009. The PR could be on a workout, a lift, or a movement; whatever you would like that will keep you smiling and pushing harder in 2010.

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.”
-Bill Vaughn


Han: 2k Row, 10:07
John: 1-arm Grace, 8:54
Jason: 10 C2B in a row
Swine: Elizabeth, 8:40
Jim C: Elizabeth, 16:44
Swine, Box Jump, 42.5 inches
Cindy, Box Jump, 20 inches
Jason, Box Jump, 30.9 inches
Mike F: 500m row, 15 thrusters (100#), 5 rds, 23:46
Aimee: 500m row, 15 thrusters (95#), 5 rds, 27:01
Tim P: 500m row, 15 thrusters (95#), 5rds, 21:52
Lisa: clean 140#
Laura: 300 WOD, 27:53
Cindy: 300 WOD, 32:07
Steph: 300 WOD, 33:53
Donkey: 300 WOD, 30:25
Sam B: Jason, 27:something
Jason W: Box Jump, 46 inches
Charlie: C&J, Dead, Snatch =?
Jeff: At least one HS
Meighan: ?
Doreen: ?
Shea: ?
Nikki: cheerleader


W.O.D. 12.30.09
Tabata This:
Row for Calories
Air Squats
KB Swings (35#/55#)

*Score will be total reps for each Tabata exercise/interval above added together.

What is Tabata?
For twenty seconds do as many reps of the assigned exercise as you can - then rest 10 seconds. Repeat this seven more times for a total of 8 intervals, 4 minutes total exercise.

12.30 Class Times:
12:00 Noon

"We must train from the inside out. Using our strengths to attack and nullify any weaknesses. It's not about denying a weakness may exist but about denying its right to persist."
-Vince McConnell


What do you say to your barbell pre-WOD?

W.O.D. 12.29.09
Squat Cleans (95#/135#)
Ring Dips

12.29 Class Times:

"The man who has no imagination has no wings."
- Muhammad Ali, Boxing Champion, Peace Ambassador

Sam: 9:41
Aimee: 9:27
Rob: 12:25
Charlie: 21:42
Todd: 16:09
Jeff: 20:46

Jenny 75#/band 11:22
Kara 35#/band 10:45
Cate 95#band 11:55
Donkey 45#/paralettes 12:20
JZ 95# 15:25
Melanie 35/45#/paralettes 9:16
James 115# 25:22
Cheri 95#/band 23:38
Kelly 55#/paralettes 16:28
Patti 55#/paralettes 16:44
Katie 35# Form
Kristen S 45#/paralettes 15:48
Jerry 115# 12:14
Jen S 85#/band 19:22
Miranda 90#/band 17:29


W.O.D. 12.28.09
Push Press

3 Rounds:
Push Press, 10 reps at 70% of your 3RM
DB Step Up, 10R/10L (25#/45#)
Knees to Elbows, 10 reps

12.28 Class Times:

“People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas”

Strength component:
Evan - 155x3, 160x2
Cindy - 90x3, 95x1
Jeff - 155X3
Dorothy - 85X3, 90X2
Olan - 150X3
JZ - 115X3
Jerry - 175X3, 185X1
Charlie - 150X3
Rob - 165X3
Curin - 115X3, 125X1
Gunter - 105X2
Jim C - 195X3, 205X2
Joe D - 135X3
Jen S - 105X3
Miranda - 105X3, 115X2
C.C. - 90X3

Evan - 14:04 @ 110#/Rx
Cindy - 11:05 @ 63#/13"/25#
Jeff - 11:43 @ 110#/25"/35#
Dorothy - 12:15 @ 63#/Rx
Olan - 12:15 @ 105#/25"/26#
JZ - 11:32 @ 65#/25"/30#
Jerry - 10:44 @ 125#/25"/35#
Charlie - 14:04 @ 105#/25"/30#
Rob - 12:37 @ 115#/Rx
Curin - 11:45 @ 73#/Rx
Gunter - 10:14 @ 64#/25"/40#
Jim C - 12:37 @ 135#/Rx
Joe D - 12:36 @ 95#/21"/35#
Jen S - 11:37 @ 75#/Rx (26.5#)
Miranda - 9:49 @ 70#/Rx
C.C. - 10:08 @ 65#/16"/15#

Joe A - 100BJ/100DU/500m row
Swine - 21/15/9 snatch&GHD - 15:14 (115#)
Sam - 21/15/9 snatch&GHD - 14:40 (135#)
Nikki - 21/15/9 snatch&KTE - 15:13 (73#)


W.O.D. 12.27.09

For time:
20 Swings, 20 Squats, 10 Pull-ups
18 Swings, 18 Squats, 9 Pull-ups
16 Swings, 16 Squats, 8 Pull-ups
14 Swings, 14 Squats, 7 Pull-ups
12 Swings, 12 Squats, 6 Pull-ups
10 Swings, 10 Squats, 5 Pull-ups
8 Swings, 8 Squats, 4 Pull-ups
6 Swings, 6 Squats, 3 Pull-ups
4 Swings, 4 Squats, 2 Pull-ups
2 Swings, 2 Squats, 1 Pull-up

From our friends at CrossFit Generation:

12.27 Class Time:

"Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret!"
- Unknown

Rx plus
Lisa 17:14 (C2B)
Swine 13:47 (C2B)
Cheri 23:35 (45#/floss)

James 14:24
Todd 13:27
Granny 11:15
Jerry 17:20
Nikki 10:18

Steph 18:30 (band)
Steve 23:06 (35#/band)
Jaime 14:44(25#/band)
JZ 13:40 (45#)
Kim 28:35 (band)


W.O.D. 12.26.09
5 Rounds for time of:
500M Row
Barbell Thrusters, 15 reps (95#/65#)

Class Time:
12 Noon ONLY

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog"
- Magic Johnson, NBA Star

Cheri - 23:58
James - 24:57
Charlie - 20:55
Steph - 25:57 (3 rds @#60,2 rds @#65)
Mike B - 20:54
Jim C - 23:44
Jeff - 24:29
Todd - 25:38
Vince - 18:44
Sam G - 22:22 @#115 5 Unbroken
Swine - 23:44 @#115 5 Unbroken

Beth - 25:49
Olan - 25:48
Jamie - 26:18
Scott - 18:18
Meredith - 22:50
Russell - 17:13 (3 Rds)


Frosty, Before CrossFit: Under trained and overfed. No full extension of his arms and totally lacking in decent footwork.

Frosty, After CrossFit: Strong and buff, complete with a six-pack and what Mark Rippetoe would call "chesticles" . . . (Thanks to John Tuitele of CrossFit Strong Medicine for the giant Frosty!)

W.O.D. 12.25.09

"Merry Christmas!"

CLOSED for the Holiday

At home Christmas WOD:

Run 5K

"Christmas is not as much about opening our presents as opening our hearts."
-Janice Maeditere


W.O.D. 12.24.09

CLOSED for Christmas Eve

At home WOD:
100 Burpees for time
OR *advanced 200 Burpees for time
(post time to comments)

"There's nothing sadder in this world than to awake Christmas morning and not be a child."
~ Erma Bombeck (1927-1996), American author and humorist.

Liz: 10:18
Shawn: 8:31
Liz's Mom: 12:41
Laura 100: 7:58
Laura 200: 15:24
Tim P: 6:38
Dorothy: 9:43


W.O.D. 12.23.09

Double Unders

(compare to 10.28.09) or (compare to 9.3.09)

Shoulder Press

12.23 Class Times:
6:00 AM
12:00 Noon

Registration for sectionals will hopefully launch on Wednesday, Dec 23rd, at 1300 PST.

One-Day Events
Athletes - $50US (includes one spectator)
Spectators - $25US

Two-Day Events
Athletes - $100US (includes one spectator)
Spectators - $50US

Tell your friends and family about CrossFit KoP and let us help you get fit in 2010. Click here to find out about our Free Classes, Seminars and Workshops in January 2010. These classes are available to everyone at no cost or no commitment. Join the revolution, see what CrossFit and Elite Fitness is all about.

"Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes."
- Chinese Proverb

Sam G - 14:46 GHD 4@#145
Jen S - 14:54 GHD 3@#60
Evan - 21:55 GHD ???
Kristen - 14:14 ???
Jerry - 11:44 #135 3@#140
Vince - 11:38 #125
Jim C - 13:57 ???
Kerry - 10:53 3@#65
Jamie - 23:14 3@#45
Cheri - 23:53 3@75
Mike F - 13:05 #145
Laura - 6:42 2@#65 3@#60
Miranda - 11:27 + Ring Dips #70
Nikki - 12:40 + MU #75
Swine - 12:15 + MU #120 1@#125

Steve - 27:06 OHS #50
Sam B - 6:48 #140
Megs - 14:24 1@#75 5@#70
Liz - 13:34 ???
James - 14:00 3@#125
Olan - 14:08 #125


W.O.D. 12.22.09

3 Rounds for time of:
40 Wall Balls (14#/20#) (9ft/10ft target)
20 Box Jumps (21"/25")
10 Ring Dips

We are running a limited schedule through the holidays... Click here for our Holiday Schedule.

12.22 Class Times:

6:30 PM

"There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them."
- Ralph Marston, Author and Publisher of The Daily Motivator

Jason W - 10:42
Chris P - 12:30
JZ - 15:45
Jeff - 14:29
Todd - 14:02
Rob - 13:54
Sam B - 12:54
Swine - 10:27
Nikki - 11:29
Sam G - 11:18 (20 lb WV)
Kit - 12:24 (29" box)


Jen S - 16:13
Kelly - 15:09
Kristen - 13:50
Katie - 18:03
Laura - 14:08
Granny - 17:10
Kim - 12:20
Maura - 18:09
Melanie - 16:05 (40 Extra Box Jumps)
Joe - 12:35 (DU,StepUp,MedBallClean)
Cate - 16:02
Chris - 17:10
Charlie - 19:07
Kevin - 17:34


W.O.D. 12.21.09
5 minutes of double unders or row
5 minutes of 65/95 lb clean and push jerk
3 minutes of double unders or row
3 mintutes of 65/95 lb clean and push jerk
1 minute of double unders or row
1 minute of 65/95 lb clean and push jerk
*Your choose either the double unders or row

Tanya Wagner on the 09 CrossFit Games - Part 1 by CrossFit Again Faster, a CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]

"There is nothing we cannot live down, rise above, and overcome."
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Charlie Y: 173
Jeff: 170
Kevin: 334
Donkey: 147
Cate: 207
Rob: 134 (CrossFit Asia)
Larissa: 203 (CrossFit Asia)
JZ: 163
Aimee: 635
Olan: 55
Kerry: 169 (Row)
Rob P: 201 (Row)
Christina: 137 (Row)
Melanie: 110
Mike F: 202
Jim C: 231
Laura: 365
Tim M: 294
Han: 325
Jen S: 285
Tim P: 492
Kristen: 186
Miranda: 281
Gunter: 243 (Row)
Jerry: 242
Gina: 139 (Row)
Kelly: 112
Joe: 280 (Row/DU)
Steph: 148 (Row)
Sam B: 172 (Row)
Liz: 148 (Row)

Level 2:
I Can beat You With One Arm Tied Behnd My Back

Workout 1:
In 15 minutes, find your 1RM for 1 Arm Snatch, 1 Arm Deadlift, 1 Arm Push Jerk
(Highest total on weaker arm is your total)
Sam: 105/165/95
Jason: 100/165/75
Kit: 85/185/74
Swine: 85/?/75
Aimee: 60/105/45
Nikki: 55/115/55

Workout 2:
At 50% Weight of the Above
1 Arm Snatch/1 Arm Deadlift/1 Arm Push Jerk
Plus 20 GHD, 15 Slosh-pipe Front Squats, 10 Sandbag Clean & Jerks
Sam: 9:13
Kit: 9:08
Swine: ?
Aimee: 9:42
Nikki: 10:24


W.O.D 12.20.09


Due to the weather conditions we will run a modified schedule tomorrow, there will be no structured classes, NO CFKids Class, only an Open Gym for two hours.

"100 Muscle-ups for Hope" with Gillian Mounsey, a CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]

"Success must be felt within before it can be seen on the outside."
- Unknown

CrossFit KoP will be CLOSED TODAY December 19th!
Due to the texts/calls I have received from many "meteorologists" around the area and the weather report that says it will continue to snow throughout the day turning to ice. We are making the decision to cancel the Oly Class at 10:00AM and the 12:00/1:00PM classes today.

If you get stir crazy at home! Here's a little at home WOD for the living room!
Lunges (50R/50L)


Festive Ladies!

W.O.D. 12.19.09

12 Days of Christmas (1)

1 Hand Stand Push Up
2 Pistol (each leg)
3 Ring Dips
4 Deadlift (225/155)
5 Med Ball Clean (14/20)
6 Clean and Jerk (75/115)
7 Toes to Bar
8 Burpees
9 Wall Balls (14/20)
10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35/55)
11 Thrusters (75/115)
12 DB Snatch 12L/12R 25/40

Just sing the 12 days of Christmas to yourself and follow the exercises...You will complete 1 handstand push-up...then 2 Pistols & 1 HSPU...then 3 Ring dips & 2 Pistols & 1 HSPU...and so on 4,3,2,1...5,4,3,2,1....etc, until you get from 12-1 you will be finished with the workout. This is our chipper of the week, so be ready. We will scale to level and ability.


these 12 Days of Christmas...(2)

1 200 M Sprint
2 Barbell Thrusters (65#/95#)
3 Push Press (65#/95#)
4 Parallette Push ups
5 KB SDLHP (55#/75#)
6 Ring Dips
7 Pull Ups
8 WallBalls (14#/20#)
9 KB Swings (35#/55#)
10 Sit Ups (basic, v-up, GHD or abmat)
11 Air Squats
12 Burpees

Last Christmas we performed variation 2 (compare to 12.27.08).
In July the L2 class completed variation 1 (compare to 7.27.09).
Today...you have a choice! ENJOY!

Winter Weather:
If the weather is daunting tomorrow I will post on the blog if CFKoP will be open/closed. Jason predicts NO snow, I on the other hand think we will have our first wintry mix....to be determined.

Sage on Olympic Lifting.

"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas."
-Calvin Coolidge

The FESTIVUS for the rest of us CrossFitters in Holiday Sweaters!


Teams of 4 complete
1RM Deadlift
Max Pullups
1RM Bench Press
(score is total weight+pullups for entire team)

The Deadlifting Elf?
Click here to watch Plentus pick up 415


Team Jingle Balls
Melanie/Devil/Plentus/Sam B. = 2022

Team Santa's Mistresses
Cindy/Steph V./Kelsey/Ditty = 1475

Team "Nutcrackers"
Shawn/Cate/Jason/Donkey = 1966

Team HGH
John/Hannah/Tim M./Aimee = 2404

Team "No ugly sweaters"
Mike F./Lisa/Tim P./Nikki = 1962


Rob and Liz working hard to push through "Cindy"

W.O.D. 12.18.09

AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

Split Jerk


Just Get The Work Done!!

"Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect."
-Oren Arnold

Rx Results:

Tim P. 23
Laura 19
Aimee 26
Todd 15
Jeff 16
Rob 16
Sam B. 22
Kerry 10
JZ 15
Plentus 22
Jerry 16
Mike F. 14
Jim 10
Evan 16
Liz 10
Grans 14
Swine C2B 16
Nikki C2B 13

Scale Results:
Kim 8
Steve 9
Betsy 11
Christina 12
Olan 10
Donkey 12
Kristen K. 11
Jen S. 14
Ditty 11
Dorothy 11
Steph V. 12
Kristen S. 14
Marureen 10

Joe A.
100DU/500MRow/50 Jump over tires+box


W.O.D. 12.17.09
3 Minute Challenge
Row (3 minutes) for total calories = reps
Barbell Thrusters (45/65) total reps (3 minutes)
Burpees total reps (3 minutes)
(compare to 9.23.08)

*there is a regularly scheduled 6AM and 12Noon WOD tomorrow.

Today is the day, we are excited!
Get ready and remember the following:

Wear: A "festive" Holiday Sweater
Time: 5:30PM
Food: We will provide catered food and drinks, but feel free to bring a contribution of your own as well.
Feats of Strength: First, organize a team of 4 (2 guys and 2 girls) that are all wearing their seasonal sweaters. Second, be prepared to perform max pull-ups and a 1RM deadlift. Your team's score will be the combined totals of the all pull-ups and all deadlifts. The final feat of strength, which will be added to your total will be a mystery event disclosed on Thursday. Lastly, the winning team will be awarded a $100 prize.
Gift Exchange: If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, remember to bring something less than $5.00.
Note: Wearing of the Holiday Sweater and participation in the team event is not required to join the Holiday Party!

Seinfeld Quotes:
"Many Christmases ago, I went to buy a doll for my son. I reached for the last one they had, but so did another man. As I rained blows upon him, I realized there had to be another way."
"What happened to the doll?"
"It was destroyed. But out of that a new holiday was born... A Festivus for the rest of us!"
- Frank Costanza and Kramer, in "The Strike"

"At the Festivus dinner, you gather your family around and tell them all the ways they have disappointed you over the past year."
"And is there a tree?"
"No. Instead, there's a pole. Requires no decoration. I find tinsel distracting."
"Frank, this new holiday of yours is scratching me right where I itch."
- Frank and Kramer, in "The Strike"

Kim 51/16/22
Megs 40/31/38/109
Christina 37/13/20/70
Kara 36/37/20 (25#)
Todd 70/28/23
Kevin M. 56/22/31
Jerry 60/32/33
Donkey 40/39/37 (25#)
Matt 59/32/23

Fundamentals of POSE workshop with Coach Timmy
Tonight at 7:30-8:30PM
Cost $10
Everyone is welcome!!


Donkey Handstand Push-ups!
Olan...Pull-ups from Nicole.
Yep, that's Lisa up the rope! Way to go girl!

W.O.D. 12.16.09
5 Rounds for time of:
Hang Power Snatch, 10 reps (55#/75#)
Over Head Squat, 10 reps (55#/75#)
5 Handstand Push-ups

Cash out:
25 GHD sit ups
25 GHD back extensions
2 Rope Climbs

Multiple Sclerosis and CrossFit-One Man's Journey

Holiday Schedule:
Click here for our Holiday Schedule.

CrossFit Kids:
Click here to Check out MJ and Jovina on the CrossFit Kids Page today!!!!

CrossFit Quiz:
CrossFit Delaware Valley had this little quiz on their blog and I thought it would make for a fun Wednesday on the Blog at CFKoP!

1 - List your basic info.. Name, length of time CrossFitting, etc.
2 - Why do you CrossFit?
3 - Favorite workout? Least favorite?
4 - In CrossFit terms, what are you really good at? (doesn't have to be exercise, per se)
5 - What's your Achilles Heel? (what you aren't so good at)
6 - Who's your inspiration?
7 - How do you like to be coached? Rough or gentle (or something else)?
8 - What's the strangest thought you've ever had during a CrossFit workout?
9 - How do you pick yourself up when you're down?
10 - What are your CrossFit goals for 2010?
11 - What's your message for the other CFKoP members?

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Philosopher & Writer

Sam 95# 20:03
Grans 58# 19:27
Betsy 15#/PVC 16:51
Kim 35#/15#/PVC 17:00
Steve 30#/PVC 21:59
Shawn 75# 20:37
Lisa 65# 20:34
Cindy 35# 16:39
Kevin M. 65# 20:02
Donkey 35#/15# 17:10
Kara 35# 13:02
Curtin 55# 14:29
Olan 45# 19:56
JZ 65/55# 20:57
Miranda 55# 18:08
Jim C 75# 16:34
Steph 55# 16:09
Plentus 45# 18:21
Rob 75# 12:57
Beth 35# 17:48
Maureen 15# 15:00
Kristen 35# 15:29
Megs 55# 17:05
Laura 53# 14:51


Who wouldn't want Cate on their Festivus team????

W.O.D. 12.15.09
As many rounds as possible in 20 Minutes of:
400M Run
Max rep Pull-ups
Note: The total number of pullups completed in all the rounds is your score for the WOD.
(compare to 6.8.09)

Babes in Gyms: Testing Fitness Classes
Success, and how we get there

Nine Foundational Movements with Lisa Ray, CrossFit Level 1 Seminars - video ... [wmv] [mov]

Community Reminders:
CrossFit Kids Class at 3:45 (7-12 yrs) Tuesday and Wednesday
CrossFit Kids Class at 4:45 (3-6 yrs) Tuesday
Fundamentals of POSE workshop Wednesday at 7:30-8:30PM $10
Festivus Holiday Party Thursday at 5:30PM

"Failure is an opportunity. If you blame someone else, there is no end to the blame. Therefore the Master fulfills her own obligations and corrects her own mistakes. She does what she needs to do and demands nothing of others."
From the Tao te Ching

Jason: 69
Jen C: 64
Jeff: 61
Jim C: 44
Bobby: 117
Nikki: 100
Olan: 31
Mike F: 38
Sam B: 118
Rob: 76
Laura: 53
Kerry: 54
Liz: 28
Jerry: 68

Cindy: 18 (green)
Kara: 75 (green)


Welcome Chris T., one of our newest members.
Check out that look of surprise on her face...sometimes we can accomplish the impossible at CrossFit!

W.O.D. 12.14.09


Use about 70% of your 1RM in your Deadlift or (185#/275#) for the following.

3 Rounds for time of:
10 Deadlifts
50 Double Unders *
*(if double unders cannot be performed, sub tuck jumps)
(compare to 7.4.09)


If you are interested in helping with sectionals please email crossfitpasectional@gmail.com and note what area you would like to help with (judging, registration, etc.).


A Moment with Louie Simmons - video ... [wmv] [mov]
"Coach B Corrects James Hobart" - CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]


"When one teaches, two learn."
-Robert Heinlien

Cate: 270, 11:25
Donkey: 115, 8:06
Kelsey: 225, 12:32
Kevin: 235, 8:17
Kristen S: 145, 14:31
Chris T: 145, 14:31
Dorothy: 155, 12:15
Jason 365x2, 7:42 Rx
Han: 245, 9:14 Rx
Aimee: 250, 5:39 Rx
Jim: 385, 12:48 Rx
Gina: 145, 15:29
JZ: 275, 11:09
Plentus: 225 (form), 8:14
Megs: 180, 8:38
Jason W: 435, 9:47 Rx
Steph: 255, 12:29
Jeff: 265x2, 11:00
Kim: 195x3, 9:55
Liz: 145, 10:55
Melanie: 170, 10:31
Nikki: 185x2, 6:45
Gunter: 95(form), 4:36
Mike F: 360x2, 15:17 Rx
Katie: 115, 10:30
Kelly: 145, 10:03
Rob: 275, 10:28
Mike B: 375, 9:02 Rx
Kerry: 205, 11:38
Maureen: 100, 9:50

Level 2:
1RM Snatch Party
Aimee: 83
Jason: 145
Swine: 125
Sam: 155


W.O.D. 12.13.09

AMRAP in 3 minutes:
3 Power Clean 155/105 lbs
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats / 9 Ring Dips
Perform Air Squats on Rounds 1, 3, 5 and Ring Dips on Rounds 2, 4, 6.
Repeat this sequence 6 times (6 rounds).
Rest for 1 minutes between the 3 minute rounds.

"Lower Body Maintenance" by Kelly Starrett, CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]

"Stick to the basics and when you feel you've mastered them it's time to start all over again, begin anew - again with the basics - this time paying closer attention."
-Greg Glassman

Steve 10
Kit 18
Vic 17
Jerry 13
Megs 18
Liz 15
Christina 15
Earl 15
Cate 18
Aimee 21
Sam 21
Swine 19
Plentus 17
Ditty 9
Jamie 15
Beth 15
Lisa 15
Jen S. 13
Sarah 13

The long awaited FESTIVUS details:

What: Our Holiday Party!
Where: CrossFit KoP, 200 DeKalb St. Bridgeport Pa. 19405
When: Thursday December 17th @ 5:30 PM
Wear: A "festive" Holiday Sweater
Food: We will provide food and drinks, but feel free to bring a contribution of your own as well.
Feats of Strength: First, organize a team of 4 (2 guys and 2 girls) that are all wearing their seasonal sweaters. Second, be prepared to perform max pull-ups and a 1RM deadlift. Your team's score will be the combined totals of the all pull-ups and all deadlifts. The final feat of strength, which will be added to your total will be a mystery event disclosed on Thursday. Lastly, the winning team will be awarded a $100 prize.
Gift Exchange: If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, remember to bring something less than $5.00.
Note: Wearing of the Holiday Sweater and participation in the team event is not required to join the Holiday Party!


W.O.D. 12.12.09
(your choice Front/Back/Overhead)


Overhead Press
(your choice Shoulder Press/Push Press/Push Jerk)

Community Reminders:
Next Wednesday the 16th at 7:30PM, Fundamentals of Pose Running Workshop with Coach Tim.
Next Thursday the 17th at 5:30PM, CrossFit KoP Holiday Party. Festivus.

“Don't ever give up on something or someone that you can't go a full day without thinking about.”

Kristen: PP/?, OHS/?
Han: ?
Sam B: FS/65, PU/36 Strung PR, SP/120
Sam: BS/275?, ?
Ray: FS/160PR, DL/210 form
Jim C: OHS/115
Joe D: BS/275x3, ?/135x5
Cate: OHS/?
Kelsey: OHS/?PR
Melanie: BS/93, PP/58
Shawn: BS/235, PP/155
Todd: OHS/55, SP/95x4
Liz: OHS/58, SP/53
Cindy: OHS/53
Jeff: OHS/115
Gran: BS/110, PJ/85
Jerry: BS/235


Kristen and Kristen wheel barrow FUN!

Darren and Jenn visit from CrossFit Palmdale

Space alien spotting at the 6AM.

W.O.D. 12.11.09
For time complete:
Hang Power Clean (95#/65#)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95#/65#)
You will complete 10 Hang Power cleans followed by 1 Sumo Deadlift High Pull...9 HPC, 2 SDLHP, 8 HPC, 3 SDLHP... (and so on until the last set will be 1 Hang Power Clean and 10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

Compete in a 2k Row:
Center City Slam 2010

Community Notes:
Today will be Trisha's last day, lets wish her well as she heads back to Kalamazoo!! I believe there will also be some indulgence of Cheesecake at the Cheesecake factory tonight at 8:30PM everyone is welcome to come out & wish her good luck!!

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
- Buddha


Sam 115# 8:17
Paul 115# 10:34
Grans 45#/65# 9:10
Kim 45# 9:38
Megs 65# 14:21
Kevin G. 65# 14:26
Olan 65# 14:28
Dawn 45# 11:28
Steph 65# 12:59
Melanie 45# 15:16
Trisha 65# 15:38
Betsy 15# 15:11
Jason 95# 6:42
Hannah 65# 7:03
Aimee 75# 6:00
Mark 95# 5:49
Nikki 65# 7:26
Donkey 35# 5:35
JZ 75# 8:32
Lisa 65# 7:05
Dorothy 35# 5:06
Mike F. 95# 7:02
Nick 60# 9:59
Rob 95# 7:47
Mike B. 95# 5:18
Kerry 65# 10:29
Plentus 95# 6:27
Sam B. 95# 10:18
Ditty 65# 13:51
The 2010 CrossFit Games Page has been launched! Click here to check it out! CrossFit King of Prussia will be hosting the PA/DE/MD Sectional on March 13th!!


Flex those guns MJ!

Our CrossFit Kids. Hide and Seek. Can you find them?

W.O.D. 12.10.09

On the Rower:
6 Rounds
90 seconds max effort
90 seconds rest

In a team of two complete:
AMRAP in 15 minutes of
10 partner assist handstands
10 leap frogs
2 wheel barrow runs
(1 "run" is the length of the gym, doors to green turf in the back)

Community Notes:
YOGA tonight with Jen Fugo $10. 6-7:30 PM.

Stay tuned for the Free January Flyer and tell your friends. We are offering alot of "FREE" workshops and classes to get you, your friends and family fit and informed in 2010. There will be 2 Free Saturday CrossFit classes in January, a Detox Workshop, Running Workshop, Gymnastic Workshop, Olympic Lifting Workshop, Nutrition 101 seminar, Shopping for whole foods field trip and Yoga, all FREE. Dates to be announced shortly.

“Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.”
-Colin Powell

The Avalanche
-written by Jason Lyons

I guess Doug should get his drum out because I wanted to write a little something about this thing we share, CrossFit.

I reflect back on the past year and I am amazed at what I see. What started out as a small group of 10 in the basement of an office has transformed into something beautiful; at least beautiful in my eyes. You may think that I feel that way because the business and name have grown or you may think I feel this way because we are getting close to breaking even. You could not be more wrong on both accounts. What is beautiful is that we have all chipped in to create something special and together we are changing lives, a lot of lives. Each of us dedicates some part of our busy day to CrossFit and as a result we have been stronger, healthier human beings. Each person in our community has a purpose and I hope that you realize it and understand how important you are. Aimee and I may coach some of the classes with the help of others and we offer a space for the magic to happen but without all of you, CrossFit is a little less effective. The motivation that you give each other without knowing it cannot truly be measured of expressed in words. The outreached hand of a veteran to someone walking in the door for the first time embodies what this community is all about and I hope the members of the gym realize that.

In the very beginning, we had a very close-knit group of people that became very used to slipping in each other’s sweat puddles. It was a great time and we loved working out with each other and we became the small Spartan army in 300; always ready to tell a joke or to offer encouragement when needed. Literally, we shared blood, sweat, and at times, tears. It was a little club and part of me misses it…that is until I reflect on what we have now. The way I see it, our Spartan army has grown in size and the number of lives we can now touch has no boundaries. It is important to note that the only way we have grown is through word of mouth…sit back and realize how powerful that is. People join the box because they have heard of what it has done for people like you.

Similar to many of the articles floating around the Internet about CrossFit Inc. in general, when something grows so rapidly, people have a tendency to resist and wish it remained small for them and their close group of friends to enjoy. I have to be honest and for a while I thought just like that. I thought like that until the first person came up to me in tears saying thank you because I changed their life with the story I wrote. What they do not realize is that yes, it is my story, but that story involves each of you and it will evolve to include members that have not yet joined the gym, as I will push against them and learn from them as well. Words really cannot express how hearing those words make you feel. I get emotional sitting here writing about it. It becomes addictive and you want to continue to spread your story and touch as many lives as you can. There is no doubt that when Mike and Gina posted their pictures that someone was not inspired. It is a fact of life. I no longer think of CrossFit as solely about me. I come to CrossFit KoP to participate in a community and give it my all. In doing so, I will undoubtedly benefit from a mental and physical point of view but at the same time I also may inspire someone else and to me, that is becoming just as important. Pay it forward.

Knowing this, it makes me sad when our Army loses a member for whatever reason. Not only are you reminded of the sweat and tears that you shared together or the fist bumps and hugs after finishing that grueling workout or setting a PR, but you lose a link in the chain, potentially cutting off a section of the potential people that you could eventually touch with your personal success story (believe me, you ALL have one) and how you changed your life…proving to them that they can as well. This is why I ask anyone that may leave for any reason to continue to belong to the CrossFit family. Whether it has actually been said to you or not, you have all changed someone’s life. Many of our early members were ladies and shortly after their husbands followed…ladies, similar to Aimee changing mine; you have changed their life. And because you now have a desire to be healthy, strong human beings, so too will your children…again you have changed lives. Understand that and appreciate how important you are to the world as a role model. It is sad when someone leaves because that person that you have fought with is no longer next to you to cover your back but as long as you are still fighting the fight, I know you are there somewhere and that is what is important. I still miss Timmy Marley on a daily basis, as he was the first person standing next to me other than Aimee. I know that I would be a stronger person today had he stuck around. Understand that CrossFit, as a whole, can no longer be stopped. It is a snowball that has turned into an avalanche and every box out there will continue to grow rapidly so no matter where you are, you will be able to touch lives. Whether it be at KoP or somewhere else, continue to fight, improve your life and know that you do make a difference.



25 Pull Ups
50 Deadlifts (M:135/W:95)
50 Push Ups
50 Box Jumps
50 Floor Wipers (M:135/W:95)
50 DB Clean and Jerk (M:35/W:15)
25 Pull Ups

This is the “300″ WOD from Gym Jones and the training sessions Mark Twight did with the actors who played as the Spartans in the movie, “300″. They used this WOD as a benchmark a couple times throughout the training process.
(compare to 3.3.09)

Valley CrossFit (CA) gets the spotlight on Access Hollywood: Video.

Look at:

Beauty in Strength - The CrossFit Journal.

"It would be a much simpler world if there was only one way to do everything: create a family, buy a house, squat a load, climb a rope. Unfortunately for us, 'one right way' is not a reality. The world is messy, plagued with gray areas."
-Jon Gilson

Results Rx:
Swine 27:59
Aimee 22:22 +clap pu +20lbs db
Sam 19:23 + clap pu
Chris S. 32:29
Lisa 20:15
Mike F. 30:56
Jeff 28:12
Jim C. 32:17
Todd 34:50
Tim M. 45:19
Nikki 20:16
Jerry 36:58
Mike 29:50

Results Scaled:
Kim 22:53
Nick 38:00
Dave 29:42
Megs 29:14
Darren 22:53
Jen 17:49
Kara 22:23
Kevin 31:29
Olan 17:51
Jen S. 29:56
JZ 28:53
Jamie 14:24
Steph 34:35
Kelly 29:02
Hannah 39:50
Jen C. 22:50
Christina 22:50
Kristen K. 29:21
Ditty 43:03
Gina 26:26
Beth 17:21
Kerry 31:15

CrossFit Games Sectionals and Regionals:

HQ is going to launch the 2010 Games website in a few days. There will be preliminary information available immediately on the entire season of qualifiers. This year, there will be 13 Regionals around the world that all take place in May. But unlike last year, you now have to qualify for the Regionals (with a few exceptions in continents with sparse populations of CrossFitters).

Feeding these Regionals will be approximately 30 Sectional competitions, which will be open to anyone. The Sectionals will take place from mid-February to late March. There was speculation around March 13th for our region. There will even be a Sectional held as one of the events at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio.

Registration for all events worldwide will hopefully launch Monday, December 21st through our dedicated Registration Website. HQ will do their best to allow everyone in who wants to compete, but at some point they may have to cut it off. Spectator attendance at most Sectionals will be limited, so you'll want to act quickly.

If anyone has even a little thought in their mind about competing in sectionals...you should GO! Last year at VA beach was an amazing thing for me personally. I took alot away from the experience in the form of competing and programming.


Coach Swine back from Amsterdam and Brussels.

W.O.D. 12.8.09
Push Press
Push Jerk

Learning to Push Press...[wmv][mov]
Push Jerk Elements...[wmv][mov]
Coach Aimee Muscle up x3

Community Reminders:
Kids class from 3:34-4:45 (7-12 yrs) & 4:45-5:30PM (3-6yrs)

Start preparing for FESTIVUS (also known as the CrossFit King of Prussia Holiday Party)...Thursday December 17th 5:30-8:00PM (everyone is welcome). Holiday Sweaters "feats of strength" team WOD to be announced. Participation in the team WOD is not required if you just want to come to the party! Bring a wrapped gift under $5 if you want to take part in the exchange.

"It’s never about the food. How we eat is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. If I feel like crap about myself I am probably going to eat crap food. If I love and value myself
I will be less likely to eat what I know is unhealthy."
-Cindy Handler

PPx3,PJx5 (unless noted)
Kara: 62,60
Chris T: 66x2, 65
Donkey: 60x2, 60x4
Jason W: 220,190
Jim C: 195,165
Katie: 45, no PJ
Kelly: 85, no PJ
Kristen K: 90,80
Gina: 65,40
Jerry: 175x1, 155
JZ: form
Plentus: 155, 145
Nikki: 115, 115 (stopped)
Mike F: 185, 175x4
Sam B: 165, 150
Trish: 90x1, 90x2
Jeff: 155, 145
Jen S: 100x2, 100x5
Sam: 195, 195


Thruster FUN!

"Oh, no...NOT wallballs again!"

W.O.D. 12.07.09
Barbell Thrusters 75#/115#
Wall Balls 14#/20# (to a 9ft/10ft target)*

*scaling will be done, as always based on level and ability.

GHD Sit Ups
GHD Back Extensions

"Understanding the Real Battle" with Dave Castro, CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]

Schedule notes:
Click here for the weekly schedule and don't forget about YOGA this Thursday from 6-7:30PM; we welcome back Jen Fugo from Evolving Well, cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members.

Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back. Today's Message of the Day is: Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.

Rx Results:
Cate 7:22
Plentus 13:12
Mike B. 9:23
Curtin 10:24
Nikki 8:01
Mike F. 9:41
Jim C. 10:53
Rob 9:10
Hannah 10:13
Aimee 6:59

Scale Results:

Kara 7:29 33#
Chris T. 7:47 33#
Donkey 10:50 45#/35#
Ditty 21:29 73#
Cliff 10:15 95#
Dorothy 11:37 (??#)
Kelly 10:24 55#
Jeff 10:56 95#
Jen S. 10:30 65#
JZ 12:11 85#
Steph V. 9:42 60#
Gunter 8:31 65#
Kerry 10:08 65#

Level 2 WOD:
5 Rounds
Clapping Pushups (15 men/7 ladies)
30 Double Unders

AMRAP in 10 Mins
15 Box Jumps
15 Squats

AMReps in 3 Mins
Back Squat


Aimee 4:39/8/33@125
Sam 7:36/7/25@205
Lisa 6:52/4/10@145
Jas 10:06/7/14@185
Swine 6:17/8/22@165


W.O.D. 12.6.09
Burpees & Kettlebell Swings

This workout runs every minute on the minute for 30 minutes. Start with one rep of each movement on the first minute, then add one rep every minute thereafter.
Minute One: 1 Burpee, 1 KBS
Minute Two: 2 Burpees, 2 KBS
Minute Three: 3 Burpees, 3 KBS
Minute Four: 4 Burpees, 4 KBS etc ...
Continue as long as you can adding one rep to each movement until you "miss" - until you can no longer complete all the reps within one minute. At that point you re-start on the next minute, beginning at one rep and adding up again. Your total number of reps is your final score for this WOD.

(compare to 4.30.09)

“Success is often achieved by those who don't know that failure is inevitable.”
-Coco Chanel

Lisa - #35/252
Maura - #35/231
Swine - #55/337
Darlene - #25/128
Megs - #35/316
Melanie - #25,#35/211
Cate - #35/330
Kelsey - #35/300
Steve - #35/216


What a good looking crew, CrossFit King of Prussia and CrossFit Tribe post "Lumberjack 20" WOD.

Thank you to everyone who came out to support our fallen heroes, we were able to raise over $250 with your support! Thank you!

W.O.D. 12.5.09

“Lumberjack 20″
20 Deadlifts (275lbs)/Run 400m
20 KB swings (2pood)/Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (115lbs)/Run 400m
20 Burpees /Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) /Run 400m
20 Box jumps (24″)/Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (45lbs each)/Run 400m

Ricky 24:34**
Steve 24:34**
John 24:50
Sam G. 25:38
Jessie 26:52
Pat 27:20
Brian 28:55
Shawn 41:25
Warren (225#) 29:29
Justin (225#) 33:26

**Ricky and Steve competed in a tie breaker post WOD...80 WallBalls for time (20# to a 10ft target). Ricky eeeked out a 3:18 finish over Steve...awesome work!

“Lumberjack 20″ (Ladies scale)
20 Deadlifts (185lbs) /Run 400m
20 KB swings (1.5pood) /Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (75lbs) /Run 400m
20 Burpees /Run 400m
20 Pullups (Chest to Bar) /Run 400m
20 Box jumps (21")/Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (25lbs each)/Run 400m

Aimee 27:59
Denise 28:20
Lisa 37:13

Tim P. 22:23
Sam B. 23:37
Ian 34:31
Ralf 28:28
Charlie 29:35
Jeff 31:40
Todd 32:44
Michael D. 35:47
Erin (135#) 36:25

“Lumberjack 20″ (Scale) *
20 Deadlifts (135lbs) /Run 400m
20 KB swings (1pood) /Run 400m
20 Overhead Squats (45lbs) /Run 400m
20 Burpees /Run 400m
20 Pullups/Run 400m
20 Box jumps (13")/Run 400m
20 DB Squat Cleans (15lbs each)/Run 400m

*We will scale more if necessary based on level and ability.

Holly 23:35
Laura 26:05
Megs 28:24
Jen S. 30:47
Trisha 33:03
Steph V. 40:54
Steph R. 37:56

Donkey (85#) 36:29
Ann (95#) 30:51

Follow this link for more information about Project Lumberjack Fundraiser. If you would like to donate FOLLOW THIS LINK and share it with Family, Friends, and others, and let them know what the CrossFit community, specifically Crossfit King of Prussia and CrossFit Tribe are doing this Saturday at 12:00 PM!!!

"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one."
-William Shakespeare