
The long awaited FESTIVUS details:

What: Our Holiday Party!
Where: CrossFit KoP, 200 DeKalb St. Bridgeport Pa. 19405
When: Thursday December 17th @ 5:30 PM
Wear: A "festive" Holiday Sweater
Food: We will provide food and drinks, but feel free to bring a contribution of your own as well.
Feats of Strength: First, organize a team of 4 (2 guys and 2 girls) that are all wearing their seasonal sweaters. Second, be prepared to perform max pull-ups and a 1RM deadlift. Your team's score will be the combined totals of the all pull-ups and all deadlifts. The final feat of strength, which will be added to your total will be a mystery event disclosed on Thursday. Lastly, the winning team will be awarded a $100 prize.
Gift Exchange: If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, remember to bring something less than $5.00.
Note: Wearing of the Holiday Sweater and participation in the team event is not required to join the Holiday Party!


  1. I need a team. Anyone looking for another girl? Don't be scared away by my recent "mass gain". I can dead lift, I swear!

  2. Cate - I don't have a team yet, but I can't deadlift! I can make up for some of that in PUs...? I think there will be a lot of game-time team forming :)

  3. If anyone will take a newbie on their team, let me know!

  4. I sense some hesitation here...If you would like to be on a team, please post to comments. I'll happily compile the teams on Thursday.

  5. I'm down to help Cate or anyone else out...

  6. The whole point of this is to have fun and get together to celebrate a great year. We will all have fun no matter what team you are on. Maybe pick teams out of a hat?

  7. i would be on Cate's team without hesitation, especially after what I saw her do today.

    that's assuming she'd have me :)

  8. ok I'm in come on my other scaled xfitters join me. is a holiday long sleeve t-shirt acceptable??

  9. i am totally down with picking out of a hat. i just didn't want to be left out in the cold!

  10. i wish i could be there on thursday. i love me some dead lifts!
