
W.O.D 12.20.09


Due to the weather conditions we will run a modified schedule tomorrow, there will be no structured classes, NO CFKids Class, only an Open Gym for two hours.

"100 Muscle-ups for Hope" with Gillian Mounsey, a CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]

"Success must be felt within before it can be seen on the outside."
- Unknown


  1. Does anyone want to do 12 Days of Christmas with me?

  2. i will, megs. what time?

  3. If I can get there ... what time?

  4. i'm 2 minutes from the box by car, and i could walk there if the streets are still crappy. you guys pick a time and i'll get my ass there.

  5. 10:30 or 11 or 10? Cindy - you weigh in. I take pretty main roads so...

  6. Maybe 11 AM? it will take us a couple of hours to get the driveway clear and then it depends on the Upper Merion snowplow guys.

  7. ok - let's say 11am then! Cindy just text me and let me know for sure so I dont get worried about you! :)

    I did three "dig outs" today so I wouldnt have 18in to do tomorrow

  8. 11am it is...see you ladies in the box! if you get stuck @ home, don't worry, i'm going either way. i'll find some trouble to get into there.

  9. I'll be there at 11 I wanna do the 12 days as well

  10. Anyone want to do the "Shoveling of the Fabrizio's House" WOD? I am close to the box and will offer hot chocolate, coffee, or adult beverages. I performed the WOD twice today. My individual time is around 1 hour 30 minutes. This includes shoveling Grandmom Fabrizio's walkway. Doesn't it sound like fun?

  11. Sorry Mike, I'm doing the Handler Snow Removal WOD: remove snow from driveway plus walkway then put down ice melter, all for time. I'm doing the scaled version with the snowblower. Good luck to all who are doing a version of the snow removal WOD today!

  12. I will be using the snow as an excuse to do a laundry WOD. This is not the scaled version since I've been putting it of for awhile! I am sad to say this is the WOD I usually give up on before it's finished. I do my reps of carry to the basment, change from washer to dryer, carry up the steps, fold ( some times I give up here). But the reps of put the clothes away do me in every time!!!

    My husband gets to do the snow wod...I might be strong but it's good to be a woman!

  13. Mike if you want to go to Toys R Us for me, I will shovel!!!

  14. Donkey. Head over whenever u r readdy. I'm here!

  15. awesome work to everyone who came out for the open gym/12 days of christmas...

    quick reminder, if you did the 12 days of christmas today...make sure to post time to comments under 12/19/09...

  16. over 10,000 hits in less than a month...nice!

  17. Whoo-hoo! That's awesome,thanks Chris that's why we are the 5 millionth website in the world!! Yippee!

  18. Actually Aimee your site is down to 2.4 million. My site is still beating yours...I'm at 1.495 million. So far that is only thing I can beat you in.

  19. Shawnnnnnnnnnn.....ahhhhhhh let's team up! We will talk in florida!
