
W.O.D. 12.21.09
5 minutes of double unders or row
5 minutes of 65/95 lb clean and push jerk
3 minutes of double unders or row
3 mintutes of 65/95 lb clean and push jerk
1 minute of double unders or row
1 minute of 65/95 lb clean and push jerk
*Your choose either the double unders or row

Tanya Wagner on the 09 CrossFit Games - Part 1 by CrossFit Again Faster, a CrossFit Journal preview video ... [wmv] [mov]

"There is nothing we cannot live down, rise above, and overcome."
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Charlie Y: 173
Jeff: 170
Kevin: 334
Donkey: 147
Cate: 207
Rob: 134 (CrossFit Asia)
Larissa: 203 (CrossFit Asia)
JZ: 163
Aimee: 635
Olan: 55
Kerry: 169 (Row)
Rob P: 201 (Row)
Christina: 137 (Row)
Melanie: 110
Mike F: 202
Jim C: 231
Laura: 365
Tim M: 294
Han: 325
Jen S: 285
Tim P: 492
Kristen: 186
Miranda: 281
Gunter: 243 (Row)
Jerry: 242
Gina: 139 (Row)
Kelly: 112
Joe: 280 (Row/DU)
Steph: 148 (Row)
Sam B: 172 (Row)
Liz: 148 (Row)

Level 2:
I Can beat You With One Arm Tied Behnd My Back

Workout 1:
In 15 minutes, find your 1RM for 1 Arm Snatch, 1 Arm Deadlift, 1 Arm Push Jerk
(Highest total on weaker arm is your total)
Sam: 105/165/95
Jason: 100/165/75
Kit: 85/185/74
Swine: 85/?/75
Aimee: 60/105/45
Nikki: 55/115/55

Workout 2:
At 50% Weight of the Above
1 Arm Snatch/1 Arm Deadlift/1 Arm Push Jerk
Plus 20 GHD, 15 Slosh-pipe Front Squats, 10 Sandbag Clean & Jerks
Sam: 9:13
Kit: 9:08
Swine: ?
Aimee: 9:42
Nikki: 10:24


  1. Aim - double unders. Would you prefer we choose the double unders only if we have a legit string in a row? For example, I can do about 2 in a row, maybe more if I get on a roll. So that 5 minutes would be more a practice session for me, which clearly I need. But in that case, should I choose the row?

  2. Kel-I would say fight it out and keep working on the double unders...

  3. Aim

    Deadlift max was 145

    Time was 20:39
