
W.O.D. 12.22.09

3 Rounds for time of:
40 Wall Balls (14#/20#) (9ft/10ft target)
20 Box Jumps (21"/25")
10 Ring Dips

We are running a limited schedule through the holidays... Click here for our Holiday Schedule.

12.22 Class Times:

6:30 PM

"There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don't allow yourself to become one of them."
- Ralph Marston, Author and Publisher of The Daily Motivator

Jason W - 10:42
Chris P - 12:30
JZ - 15:45
Jeff - 14:29
Todd - 14:02
Rob - 13:54
Sam B - 12:54
Swine - 10:27
Nikki - 11:29
Sam G - 11:18 (20 lb WV)
Kit - 12:24 (29" box)


Jen S - 16:13
Kelly - 15:09
Kristen - 13:50
Katie - 18:03
Laura - 14:08
Granny - 17:10
Kim - 12:20
Maura - 18:09
Melanie - 16:05 (40 Extra Box Jumps)
Joe - 12:35 (DU,StepUp,MedBallClean)
Cate - 16:02
Chris - 17:10
Charlie - 19:07
Kevin - 17:34


  1. for those that stuck around Festivus night and want to know how to open a wine bottle sans corkscrew, here you go:


  2. For those that are interested, they posted information on the 2010 Games website for registration for the Sectionals, both as an athlete and a spectator. Our event is scheduled to be one day so the costs would be $50 for an athlete and $25 for a spectator. These figures are causing an uproar amongst some in the CF community so I wanted to get your opinions...justified...why?

  3. I understand charging for athlete registration, however, the attendee seems pretty steep. What do the charges cover? Is the fee based on a for-profit model? If so, thats a pretty steep charge.

  4. don't forget that one spectator spot is INCLUDED with the athlete price. I think some people overlooked this.

  5. I agree it depends on where the money is going... are they paying Tanya to organize the event? Aimee to use her gym? Are they providing any additional equipment, food, or medical support? If the answer to ALL those questions is no, then I think the $50/$25 is steep. Most of the races I run are anywhere from $30 - $150, depending on the length and location. That money is used to hire cops to close off streets, set up aid stations along the course, give the runners a tshirt or medal, and provide medical support. So I dont mind paying... just want to know where it's all going.

  6. Results:

    Jason W - 10:42
    Chris P - 12:30
    JZ - 15:45
    Jeff - 14:29
    Todd - 14:02
    Rob - 13:54
    Sam B - 12:54
    Swine - 10:27
    Nikki - 11:29
    Sam G - 11:18 (20 lb WV)
    Kit - 12:24 (29" box)


    Jen S - 16:13
    Kelly - 15:09
    Kristen - 13:50
    Katie - 18:03
    Laura - 14:08
    Granny - 17:10
    Kim - 12:20
    Maura - 18:09
    Melanie - 16:05 (40 Extra Box Jumps)
    Joe - 12:35 (DU,StepUp,MedBallClean)

    9:30 Class:

    Cate - 16:02
    Chris - 17:10
    Charlie - 19:07
    Kevin - 17:34

    Great job today everyone. Those Wall Balls are tough but you pushed through and did it. Rest those tired Legs.

  7. Great job coaches and everyone for your encouragement.
