
New Years Eve 1907

W.O.D. 12.31.09

All members are welcome!

After/during open gym, we welcome everyone to hang around for a bit just to enjoy each others company and reflect on all of the progress that we have made throughout the year. We would like to treat the open gym as a sort of "PR Party". We saw the idea for this on Evolve Your Fitness and thought it would be great to bring to each of you.

PR Party:
The objective of a PR party is for everyone to set at least one final PR as we close out 2009. The PR could be on a workout, a lift, or a movement; whatever you would like that will keep you smiling and pushing harder in 2010.

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.”
-Bill Vaughn


Han: 2k Row, 10:07
John: 1-arm Grace, 8:54
Jason: 10 C2B in a row
Swine: Elizabeth, 8:40
Jim C: Elizabeth, 16:44
Swine, Box Jump, 42.5 inches
Cindy, Box Jump, 20 inches
Jason, Box Jump, 30.9 inches
Mike F: 500m row, 15 thrusters (100#), 5 rds, 23:46
Aimee: 500m row, 15 thrusters (95#), 5 rds, 27:01
Tim P: 500m row, 15 thrusters (95#), 5rds, 21:52
Lisa: clean 140#
Laura: 300 WOD, 27:53
Cindy: 300 WOD, 32:07
Steph: 300 WOD, 33:53
Donkey: 300 WOD, 30:25
Sam B: Jason, 27:something
Jason W: Box Jump, 46 inches
Charlie: C&J, Dead, Snatch =?
Jeff: At least one HS
Meighan: ?
Doreen: ?
Shea: ?
Nikki: cheerleader


  1. For those of you who got to know Trisha:

    She will be traveling to Spain for the school semester and part of her requirements for class is to keep a blog of her "knowledge through experience."

    So, if you would like to follow Trisha's journey (she leaves in February), you can through her blog at: http://knowledgethroughexperience.blogspot.com/

  2. Cindy, donkey & myself are doing 300 today if anyone else wants to. I'd like to try to for the 21 inch box too. Not sure if it's possible but I'll try!!

  3. 6am @ Crossfit Central:

    As many reps in 20 min:
    kb swing 16kg/12kg
    sprawls (getting down into burpee position but no pushup and no jumping)
    db push press 45lbs/25lbs

    Work in teams of 3, spending 1 minute at each station. Only 2 people can work at a station. Third person counts and then starts at the next station.

    Chris/Clay/Jimmy: 817 reps

  4. Hey if someone see's Rob P at the box today can you tell him the name of the swimming hole for doggies is, Linda Brown Dog Swim, in Spring City, 610-495-7247.


  5. Today's workout with mom in sunny 75 degrees....

    Tabata squats 8 rounds
    Run a mile
    Three minutes of various plank holds
    Run a mile

    happy new year!

  6. WOD of day for me was 4 hours a skiing! Happy New Year everyone!
