
What do you say to your barbell pre-WOD?

W.O.D. 12.29.09
Squat Cleans (95#/135#)
Ring Dips

12.29 Class Times:

"The man who has no imagination has no wings."
- Muhammad Ali, Boxing Champion, Peace Ambassador

Sam: 9:41
Aimee: 9:27
Rob: 12:25
Charlie: 21:42
Todd: 16:09
Jeff: 20:46

Jenny 75#/band 11:22
Kara 35#/band 10:45
Cate 95#band 11:55
Donkey 45#/paralettes 12:20
JZ 95# 15:25
Melanie 35/45#/paralettes 9:16
James 115# 25:22
Cheri 95#/band 23:38
Kelly 55#/paralettes 16:28
Patti 55#/paralettes 16:44
Katie 35# Form
Kristen S 45#/paralettes 15:48
Jerry 115# 12:14
Jen S 85#/band 19:22
Miranda 90#/band 17:29


  1. you don't wanna be here i dont wanna be here but we might as well do something constructive today.

  2. I am not dropping you, because then I have to clean you again, and you know how I feel about that.

  3. Me and Liz did Cindy at Crossfit Redline:
    Liz 11 rounds
    Shawn 18 rounds

  4. Shawn-What did Jimmy get? It must be the fish oil! Awesome job Liz and Shawn!

  5. Results:

    Sam Rx 9:41
    Aimee Rx 9:27
    Rob Rx 12:25
    Charlie Rx 21:42
    Todd Rx 16:09
    Jeff Rx 20:46

    Jenny 75#/band 11:22
    Kara 35#/band 10:45
    Cate 95#band 11:55
    Donkey 45#/paralettes 12:20
    JZ 95# 15:25
    Melanie 35/45#/paralettes 9:16
    James 115# 25:22
    Cheri 95#/band 23:38
    Kelly 55#/paralettes 16:28
    Patti 55#/paralettes 16:44
    Katie 35# Form
    Kristen S 45#/paralettes 15:48
    Jerry 115# 12:14
    Jen S 85#/band 19:22
    Miranda 90#/band 17:29

    Great job to everyone who PR'ed with their weight today - we had a number of first time Rx-ers and many who loaded up the bar with more weight than last time we faced Elizabeth!

    A special thanks to all (15!) of you in the 6pm class for helping us make the class a success. Running 2 heats took a long time, but by counting and cheering for eachother you pushed your partners to achieve more than they ever could have on their own. I loved hearing you all motivate, coach, and count for eachother. That's what makes our gym so great!

  6. Jimmy did Chelsea (one round of Cindy on the minute for thirty minutes). He finished all rounds and had 29 seconds of rest on the last round. He's a machine. Then Jim, Shawn, and I did three sets of five bench presses. Then later tonight he showed me how to do the pose running. We also drank raw milk today which tastes like ice cream almost.

  7. I'm telling you guys...fish oil is the new HGH. Raw milk tastes ok but it is $10 per gallon.

  8. James and I had an awesome time at the gym tonight; we SOOOOO appreciate all the wonderful coaching and conversation we've received at the box during our week back in Philly. You guys really do have one of the best affiliates out there, keep on kicking ass and going heavy!

  9. It was fun watching you push yourself though some tough WOD's this week Cheri and watching James improve each day was an sight to behold. Be safe in your trip back to GA and remember you 2 are always welcome back anytime and get rid of that band!!!!

  10. Paul - thank you for tonight. You really pushed and motivated me.
    Much appreciated!

  11. Hi Miranda,

    Thanks for being my counter and making me try 85#! I did not think it would be possible!

  12. Jen ~
    Howdy! Next time you are rxing! You have seriously come SO far in your training! You are incredibly strong and I admire your strength and determintaion during WOD's.
    You are doing dips with out band!!!! HELLO...AWESOME! Keep up the good work.

  13. @ Crossfit Central:

    in teams of 4 (1 at each station) complete 5 rounds of:

    10 dumbbell thrusters 35/25
    20 box jump, 20"
    10 pullups
    24 walking lunges

    teams cannot rotate until each person is done with reps. My team finished in about 16 minutes, Kristin's team finished in about 18.

  14. Shawn, Kristin signed us up for Farm to City (www.farmtocity.org) that will deliver to a location probably close to home. They sell everything: vegetables, fruits, meat, cheese, and milk. Raw milk is $7/gal. Just wanted to let you know.

  15. Raw milk is awesome!
    Just tastes like real whole milk.
    Would any one be interested the next time we visit Jason's cousins family dairy farm?
