
Coach Swine back from Amsterdam and Brussels.

W.O.D. 12.8.09
Push Press
Push Jerk

Learning to Push Press...[wmv][mov]
Push Jerk Elements...[wmv][mov]
Coach Aimee Muscle up x3

Community Reminders:
Kids class from 3:34-4:45 (7-12 yrs) & 4:45-5:30PM (3-6yrs)

Start preparing for FESTIVUS (also known as the CrossFit King of Prussia Holiday Party)...Thursday December 17th 5:30-8:00PM (everyone is welcome). Holiday Sweaters "feats of strength" team WOD to be announced. Participation in the team WOD is not required if you just want to come to the party! Bring a wrapped gift under $5 if you want to take part in the exchange.

"It’s never about the food. How we eat is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. If I feel like crap about myself I am probably going to eat crap food. If I love and value myself
I will be less likely to eat what I know is unhealthy."
-Cindy Handler

PPx3,PJx5 (unless noted)
Kara: 62,60
Chris T: 66x2, 65
Donkey: 60x2, 60x4
Jason W: 220,190
Jim C: 195,165
Katie: 45, no PJ
Kelly: 85, no PJ
Kristen K: 90,80
Gina: 65,40
Jerry: 175x1, 155
JZ: form
Plentus: 155, 145
Nikki: 115, 115 (stopped)
Mike F: 185, 175x4
Sam B: 165, 150
Trish: 90x1, 90x2
Jeff: 155, 145
Jen S: 100x2, 100x5
Sam: 195, 195


  1. awesome quote of the day...from a real wise woman!

  2. Hmmmmm Amsterdam = Ganja

  3. Did Swine bring back any cake or brownies?

  4. no, but I heard he brought back a lady friend...good price too

  5. CNN breaking news alert: Swine Flu outbreak in Amsterdam

  6. lol, that was a good one meg. i would pay lots of money to see paul after a brownie. wicked up or wicked down? thoughts?

  7. I did have what they call "Space Cake" I found my jokes were funnier and When I went to be all the different colors when I shut my eyes made me open and close them a couple of times.

    Great posts Megs
