
CrossFit Games Sectionals and Regionals:

HQ is going to launch the 2010 Games website in a few days. There will be preliminary information available immediately on the entire season of qualifiers. This year, there will be 13 Regionals around the world that all take place in May. But unlike last year, you now have to qualify for the Regionals (with a few exceptions in continents with sparse populations of CrossFitters).

Feeding these Regionals will be approximately 30 Sectional competitions, which will be open to anyone. The Sectionals will take place from mid-February to late March. There was speculation around March 13th for our region. There will even be a Sectional held as one of the events at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio.

Registration for all events worldwide will hopefully launch Monday, December 21st through our dedicated Registration Website. HQ will do their best to allow everyone in who wants to compete, but at some point they may have to cut it off. Spectator attendance at most Sectionals will be limited, so you'll want to act quickly.

If anyone has even a little thought in their mind about competing in sectionals...you should GO! Last year at VA beach was an amazing thing for me personally. I took alot away from the experience in the form of competing and programming.


  1. Nicole!!!!!!!!

    Where are you? I miss you. Let's argue about something. You pick the topic.

  2. oh boy :)...I'll make sure to check in on this one throughout the day. I can see it's going to shape up into a great debate.

    Just remember..the thoughts and ideas expressed on this blog and the comments are just that (thoughts and ideas to spur conversation, debate and community). CrossFit KoP and the Coaches associated with it provide information that is of general nature and is provided for educational purposes only. None of the information or services provided by CrossFit King of Prussia is to be taken as medical or other health advice pertaining to any specific health or medical condition that maybe had. The information and services provided by are not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice.

    okay, now that I said that, have at it Jason and Nicole!!

  3. what is there to argue about ball sweat??? its nasty no matter which way you think about it.

  4. to quote the inimitable Jay Z: I got 99 problems but ball sweat ain't one.

    perhaps that's not a direct quote.

    ball sweat? how about the ass bruises i still have from barbara?

  5. It may have medicinal value and could potentially be harvested for it's high testosterone content especially if harvested from CrosFitters.

    Dr. Handler? Thoughts?

  6. I'm actually not in the mood to argue. Sorry bud you are all on your own. ;)

  7. This is a sad day indeed. Are you showing yet? You partaking in the burning of the bird on Saturday?

  8. Not yet. I look totally normal and haven't gained a pound. Which is good but I honestly don't know how that is possible with what I was eating?!?! We might be in for the burning of the bird. I have family coming on Saturday but they should be leaving early.

  9. I saw the bird there last weekend. I will be heading down with D-Rae. For those that don't know what this is all about:


  10. i'll be fire-birding for sure. i love that festival. i don't know the fire spinners this year but i've heard good things so get there for the pre-show!

  11. I'm excited for the bird burning! And to see Donkey spin some fire!

  12. i'm not spinning this year, Aimee...my gang spun once years ago and to be honest, it's a bit too cold of a gig to love. the night we did it, it was about 27 degrees---brrr. the troupe they're bringing in this year is top notch tho--so definitely check them out. i promise to do a KOP spin at some point--maybe for the festivus if it's not 27 degrees :)

  13. I'm sorry Ray, I have a standing policy not to comment about ball sweat. The traditional uses in herbal medicine will just have to remain secret a little longer.

  14. Did ur lawyers right that for u Aimee?? :)

  15. jeff does that mean we should never eat or drink at your house again? lol.

    tea with a touch of sweat. YUMMY!
